
Depends, how strong your uvb is and how old she is? Most chameleons don't have a sensitivity to uvb, but its not unheard of, I have one, and I have met a few people who have dealt with it too. Just refresh me on the question I asked. Also have you been giving her showers? Don't remember.
Depends, how strong your uvb is and how old she is? Most chameleons don't have a sensitivity to uvb, but its not unheard of, I have one, and I have met a few people who have dealt with it too. Just refresh me on the question I asked. Also have you been giving her showers? Don't remember.
I mist her three to four times a day until everything is dripping. She was born late July and I have the zoo med combo light. I can't find the details but here is a link too it.


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You might want to get a linear uvb light and get a 2.0 light until she's older. It could be the uvb is bothering her, I've dealt with a few recent cases of this that they were around 3-4 months and when their people switched to 2.0 it did help. I wouldn't switch back to a 5.0 bulb until she's around 6 months or 7 months.
If you are worried about her getting enough uvb from a 2.0 take her outside a couple times a week for like and hour or 2 around 10 or 11am
You might want to get a linear uvb light and get a 2.0 light until she's older. It could be the uvb is bothering her, I've dealt with a few recent cases of this that they were around 3-4 months and when their people switched to 2.0 it did help. I wouldn't switch back to a 5.0 bulb until she's around 6 months or 7 months.
It also makes sense about her eyes and "napping" I've been reading on the forums that they will keep their eyes closed because of over expiaure but as soon as your around she opens her eyes unlike at night while she's actually sleeping and it takes a lot to wake her.
Yes that is what my adult panther was doing when his eyes got injured by a halogen bulb and I had to remove all bright lights except his basking for a few months. It's possible she is having the same issue, especially with the recent trauma.
i'm not a expert but if my chams had eye problems I would try showering them a few times a day, maybe the moisture would help there bad eye ,,, after mine sheds I shower them with water misting bottle,, just my point of view , like I said I'm not a expert
There are a lot of different reasons for eye problems. Honestly the reason her chameleon was keeping her eyes closed was fixed by the light problem, but showers yes do help, but sometimes they do nothing more than alleviate irritation, which causes the person who is taking care of them to get confused. If there was something in the chameleons eyes she would most likely have shown more itching, rubbing, or squinting just one eye. If it hadn't been a light problem I would've thought about vitamin or mineral problems.
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