
I actually use a different vet for my car and dog and she recommended him bc he's the only one in my area that sees reptiles. I kept asking him if he was hurting her jaw and he said no. But she's sitting her in the car continually opening and closing her mouth or sitting with it just open and I've never seen her do that. Hopefully it's just bc he made her drink dewormer.
Well that's a bunch of bs hope he atleast treated her for the right parasites
I think so too. We've been home now for a bit and she still hasn't calmed down enough to go to normal coloration. I'm just hoping he didn't injur her mouth and make her forever afraid of people because she has been easy to handle.
I would give her some alone time for a while and just check on her from a distance. She definitely sounds like she had a rough time. You will likely see some dark bruising around the area soon. Sounds like the vet was way too rough on her in my opinion. Hope she is doing better later on or tomorrow.
I would give her some alone time for a while and just check on her from a distance. She definitely sounds like she had a rough time. You will likely see some dark bruising around the area soon. Sounds like the vet was way too rough on her in my opinion. Hope she is doing better later on or tomorrow.
I can already see bruising on her little mouth. I think he was too. I'm keeping away and hoping she recovers well. Thank you!
I agree, vets can be bad or good. Sounds like you got a bad one. Sadly sometimes it's unavoidable, but I really hate it. It sounds like he has no experience with chameleons, she should come around to you, it may take some trust building but they usually come around. I hate it when vets are so rough with reptiles, especially chameleons. Thank God I have a good one, she tries her best to take it slow with my two and give them breaks. Hopefully your little ones parasites will go away. Oh and to answer the comment about petco being good or not, whether the store is actually good or not depends on the employees, management gives no actual training that is helpful, they hire people most of the time who know nothing, and their breeders often send sick animals that the employers have to take to their vet to get better and take care of themselves until they can sell them.
I agree, vets can be bad or good. Sounds like you got a bad one. Sadly sometimes it's unavoidable, but I really hate it. It sounds like he has no experience with chameleons, she should come around to you, it may take some trust building but they usually come around. I hate it when vets are so rough with reptiles, especially chameleons. Thank God I have a good one, she tries her best to take it slow with my two and give them breaks. Hopefully your little ones parasites will go away. Oh and to answer the comment about petco being good or not, whether the store is actually good or not depends on the employees, management gives no actual training that is helpful, they hire people most of the time who know nothing, and their breeders often send sick animals that the employers have to take to their vet to get better and take care of themselves until they can sell them.
the Petco I went to , the manager owns chams so I guess that's a good thing,gave helpful info also gave me her vets number and the vet was very good also , handled my 2 chams very careful and was pleased that I took them when they healthy , the nurse was shocked to see them healthy ,she said 90% of the time chams are very sick when they get to see them
Even though we got wormer today I just wanted to show you guys what she is pooping. There was another tonight in the water catching dish. It was much smaller than the 1/2-1in long two from yesterday but still decent sized. So she obviously has a few.


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The wormer should take I think at least 3 days to work, though I am not positive. And she may be defecating dead worms for a bit
They have been alive coming out. He told me to give her a dose everyday for five days. That's all he said. Thank you for letting me know about pooping the dead ones.
Ivehad my female veiled for around 12 days and she is healthy and eats well and stays hydrated. She poops over a water dish I dump that her dripper drops in to, idk why but that's her spot. 8 went to dump the dish tonight and there was worms in her poop! They were clear with brown and red inside them. They were about half an inch long and were moving. I should have took a picture but I freaked out. What do I do?!?!
poop spot LOL I have 2 chams that does the same , I put a small piece of paper towel under there SPOT just so I can clean every other day , my male poops about half hour after I turn lights on every morning and I mean every morning same time same place LOL
Loretta will not eat the doctored crickets. She never ate the one yesterday and now it's dying and her breakfast ones (morning is normally when she is hungriest) she won't eat either. She hasn't ate since her vet appointment. She is already looking thinner to me. She has been drinking bc I've seen her. I'm also struggling with inhecting the crickets bc once I do it just comes right back out of the injection spot. This is really frustrating bc I only have enough for the five days and so far we've used three does and she hasn't taken one. I seen LLL Retile has the same wormer (panacur, I think that's spelt right) if I bought it and gave the same dosage would that be ok? I really don't want to take her back to the vet.
Do you have any way of getting a hold of silkworms or hornworms. The injection would be much easier to give and she would take it more likely. Though I honestly don't know why he gave you something to inject insects with, it would easier just to give it directly.
Idk but I'm very worried about her. I came home today to her in a full on shed. She also only opens her left eye partly open. That's the one he pressed in so hard. She was also just asleep. She has never slept durning the day. It's just really worrying me.
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