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I rescued this Chameleon, I have had him for 2 days now, and I JUST NOTICED THIS? what is it? PLEASE HELP.

He is eating, he is active, he is still pooping, and he is drinking the mist of the leaves after misting his cage.

I was thinking it was a prolapse but it looks really dry and poop like.


  • Photo on 2010-11-12 at 11.36.jpg
    Photo on 2010-11-12 at 11.36.jpg
    76.8 KB · Views: 240
Could be...

a prolapse.... I would think if it's poop that is you soak him in some warmj water it would come right of... if it doesn't then I would think prolapse.... just don't pull at it... A Vet appt may be in order.

Good Luck....... :eek:
If it doesnt come off with a good soaking you should make a vet appointment and try to keep it moist, you can use KY jelly until you go to the vets
Yeah..I would say it looks like a prolapse. I've caught my veiled relieving himself a few times and when they are in position to go, these two small tube like things come out from each end of their vent but they always go back in when they're done with their business. I think I've read on her to keep it moist with KY jelly. And I would also agree that a vet visit is the best idea. Hope you're guy gets better and keep us posted.
I just went though this so I'm kinda an expert....basicly it goes like this. If it's a hemi penile prolapse then an exotic reptile vet will have to remove it....or clean it, put anti imflamitory cream on it, and stitch it back in. If the stiching doesn't work, then it will need removed.

If it's not a hemi penile prlapse...but an intestinal need to see a vet like right in get in the car and drive. Now.

Hemipenises don't always prolapse all the way, sometimes it's just the beginning such as in my case. Just keep it moist with ky jelly and get to the vet, and don't hold it off.

Good luck.
It has not come off but it has gone down in size, I have a vet appointment on tuesday. It was the soonest my reptile vet could get me in.

I will keep you posted as soon as i know
Just keep misting and keep his cage a bit higher in humidity until you can see the vet. jmo. Here is hoping for the best. Let us know.
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