Hemipenis Prolapse and Amputation

I’m so sorry that you had to say goodbye to your pooch.
Still praying for Donnie and glad to hear he’s regained his weight. I’m sorry that you’re on such a rocky road.
Sorry about your pup, 13 is a ripe old age and glad you were able to be there. Been praying for Donnie’s recovery and so happy to see how much better he is looking! It’s so scary to see them in that state, he’s a fighter. You are doing good by that sweet boy! 💕💕
I am so sorry to hear about your dog but at least you were there. Glad to hear Donnie is improving. Always keeping you and Donnie in my prayers. ❤️🙏
Good news post checkup - Dr. Gold feels that Donnie is healing nicely, no sign of infection. The tissue I was concerned about, of course, disappeared overnight before the vet visit. The puss-y side of his vent is apparently normal for such a large, exposed wound. Ointment continues for another 4-6weeks, once per day.

Whew!! That is a huge weight off my shoulder before vacay. Was worried about another round of antibiotics, esp when Im
Not there to administer it!



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I’m away for another week yet, and Donnie is unfortunately declining. He is eating and drinking well, but once again looks sickly and is weak. His butt is improving but still healing. I am afraid I may lose him while I’m away. He has warmed up to my sister but I am sure he is wondering where mom is, especially now. Keep my baby in your thoughts, and if its time, let it be quick and as painless as possible. :(
I’m away for another week yet, and Donnie is unfortunately declining. He is eating and drinking well, but once again looks sickly and is weak. His butt is improving but still healing. I am afraid I may lose him while I’m away. He has warmed up to my sister but I am sure he is wondering where mom is, especially now. Keep my baby in your thoughts, and if its time, let it be quick and as painless as possible. :(
Ugh I’m so sorry. Sending prayers and love your way.
I’m away for another week yet, and Donnie is unfortunately declining. He is eating and drinking well, but once again looks sickly and is weak. His butt is improving but still healing. I am afraid I may lose him while I’m away. He has warmed up to my sister but I am sure he is wondering where mom is, especially now. Keep my baby in your thoughts, and if its time, let it be quick and as painless as possible. :(
Praying for as peaceful an outcome as possible - more time for Donnie, or an easy passing. You've done amazing work with him. Hoping hoping!
I swear I am not trying to be dramatic here… this experience has been a serious roller coaster, with ups and downs coming in rapid succession.

I flew home today and all I could think about for the last 24hrs was seeing Donnie (and of course all my other babies)! I envisioned us running to each other with him running up my arm like he often does. Instead I got a “where the hell have you been” look. I will take it!

Donnie had a lot of ups and downs while I was away, and I really thought we were going to lose him while I was gone. He was hunger striking for my sister, despite me preparing his favorites (grasshoppers, supers, and hornworms). He occasionally ate a hornworm or super, but not as much as he needed. He has definitely lost some weight, but not a drastic amount. I will weigh him when I bring him in tonight.

His vent is still healing. Dr. Gold expected another 4-6 weeks, so we have a ways to go, but it is improving. My sister had to bring him in for several days - probably half the trip or more - due to a heatwave, and then some small wasps were seen nibbling on his wounds. Being inside didnt help his attitude or appetite.

Today, I rushed to him - apologized and accepted my much deserved dirty looks. Then we went outside, where he cheered up immediately. He is in shed, and understandably not in the mood for my crap… but he is as gentle, patient, and sweet as ever. Just giving me a lot of side eye. He was very eager to eat a hornworm… little did he know I was going to use my ninja skills to pop a medium dubia on his tongue every time he tried to snag a hornworm. I got him 3x with that trick - like stealing candy from a baby. Each time
he was equally surprised by his crunchy, reincarnating hornworm. :LOL: I also caught a carolina mantis in the garden - about the length of an adult bird grasshopper, but half the mass. He has never had a mantid before… but after a moment of watching it, he eagerly hunted and gulped that down, too. Now a few nice, long showers to hydrate before I treat his vent.

I am so relieved that he hung in there until I came home. We are
not out of the woods yet, but he is still trying to fight!
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