Chameleon Enthusiast
Yesterday my little man Hendershot had a prolapse. With help and encouragement from my good friend Dr. Ivan Alfonso, via text messaging, I was able to get it back in with some KY after a soak in cold sugar water. I can't thank Ivan enough. He had me wrap it to keep it from coming back out. He has been unwrapped since 8 am this morning and so far so good but now I'm worried about what will happen when he poops. Hendershot is very old and I just don't know if he could make it through surgery if he has to have it amputated. He has his good days and his bad days and I know eventually he will only have bad days and I will have to let him go but I was not expecting this. Today is a good day so far and he looks good and his color is good. I just hope it will stay in.
This is Hendershot.
This Hendershot's bandage from yesterday.
This is Hendershot.
This Hendershot's bandage from yesterday.