Hey all, new here...


New Member
Just wanted to say hey, new to this forum. Got my first cham today, a lil veiled girl. I breed ball pythons, but have always been intrigued by chams and finally got one :D

Havent named her yet (this is her in her deli cup for the ride home)...
you have a nice looking girl there. :) You should surf the forum to look for useful info and if you have any questions be free to ask them. Remeber to give reputation to the People that give you helpful info when you ask questions.

Welcome to the Forum :D
you have a nice looking girl there. :) You should surf the forum to look for useful info and if you have any questions be free to ask them. Remeber to give reputation to the People that give you helpful info when you ask questions.

Welcome to the Forum :D

bwhaahahah I've been giving you rep points tonight! you are a trip!

Welcome to the forums :) what a cute and sweet little girl you have there. you officially have caught the chameleon bug. if you have any questions please feel free to ask and we will be glad to answer them :)
Thanks, I have been reading through a lot of posts making sure I have everything right. I am so very excited! I love discreetly watching her eat, it is so fascinating...
welcome to the forum and chameleon ownership. Looks like you got yourself a little cutie there!
bwhaahahah I've been giving you rep points tonight! you are a trip!

Welcome to the forums :) what a cute and sweet little girl you have there. you officially have caught the chameleon bug. if you have any questions please feel free to ask and we will be glad to answer them :)
lol i was trying to be suttle. On the gecko forum im on the rep button is alot more obvious, and i realize now that when i started on this forum, i wasnt giving it when i got good help, now whenever i find something informative or helpful, i do. I figured remind the new people to do it and it will help to give the people who are helpful reputation points
Hello! Welcome to the forums! I'm Dan, I'm on here daily and am always willing to help you out! feel free to contact me if the need arrives and my girlfriend lauren is also on her ( andallthatjazz). Beautiful little girl you have there! May we see pictures of the enclosure so that we may be of further help?
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