How about a Then and Now Thread


New Member
How about a Then and Now Thread of pictures. I've searched and didn't see anything like this, so I thought I'd bring it up. I thought it would be great to have a collection, all in one thread of everyone's Chameleons. It doesn't really matter what locale. Just show a baby, juvenile, sub adult and an adult picture of your Chams. Or at least any two of the above listed.

I thought this might make a nice database of sorts, possibly helping people who are shopping for new chams by giving them an idea of what a baby cham might look like, compared to the adult color flavors they like. Just an idea.

I'd be happy to start but I've only had my 2 panthers about 3 months a piece.
This is my male Ambanja Panther, 1st pic is 1.5 months old, 2nd is 4.5 months old, 3rd is 7.5 months old...He is only 8.5 months old now so I can't put a fully grown pic yet, but I will add to this post in the future.
Babies 001.jpg chameleon 001.jpg Aslan 019.jpg
wow WOW wow KevinA!!! That blue bar is SOLID!!! Great job keeping him that healthy.

I love the idea of this thread, I'll get some pix 2moro!
Here is Heathen a male Ambilobe from Batman
3.5 months

5 months.


Around 6 months

7 to 8 months. I forget when they where exactly taken:eek:

8 to 9 months


Almost 10 months

He is 10 months now.

That guy is rad! or did I mean to say red:)

wow WOW wow KevinA!!! That blue bar is SOLID!!! Great job keeping him that healthy.

I love the idea of this thread, I'll get some pix 2moro!

He has been healthy save for a month where I'm thinking I was overfeeding or under misting. All is better now though;)

He sired a few clutches and the oldest is ready for sale and looking even more promising than he did at their age, just waiting a couple of weeks to pick out my holdbacks:D
Here is my female Desi. The sweetest little veiled you can imagine. First pic is at 3 months and the second pic is about 8 months and the third is her being gravid at about a year.


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Casques are like noses-everyone's is different! Out of my clutch of babies some had more normal looking casques, some were squared off, some were "bent".
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