HOw do you know if your cham is dying?

Above it said you could buy liquid calcium at the pharmacy.

yea but I think I asked if you needed an Rx and no one said yes or no.. I thought when someone says Pharmacy it means needing to be prescribed, where as OTC doesnt.. Sorry if I misunderstood.. But thanks for clarifying.
OMG- I just read through this thread and it's really sad to hear about your girl. I had to euthanize one of my angelfish breeders this way and I cried like a baby when I did bc he was so special to me. You're a very good person for being so strong.
OMG- I just read through this thread and it's really sad to hear about your girl. I had to euthanize one of my angelfish breeders this way and I cried like a baby when I did bc he was so special to me. You're a very good person for being so strong.

For the future, a very good way to put fish down is with clove oil. Get a big bowl of tank water and put the fish in so that it is upright and comfortable. Take a small baggie of the water and put about ten or so drops of clove oil in, depending on the size of the bowl. Shake the baggie with oil and water really hard so that they oil mixes in and then pour the mixture over your fish. Wait for a bit- your fish should start tilting to the side in a few minutes. If not, add some more clove oil using the shake and add method. Your fish will eventually slow down, roll over and pass. Leave it for at least half an hour before removing. You can also use this method to put fish under anesthesia. If you want to wake them back up, simply put them into a bowl of tank water without clove oil and they will come to.
That is interesting Kenya.
Thanks MALT.. Yea, its hard because now with finding out Ben(ita) is a girl, i keep calling her betty by accident and it kinda confuses the kids and makes me sad sometimes when I stop and think about it.. I just try to keep busy with Leo and all the other critters we have scattered around. LOL. Thank you guys a lot. This forum has really helped! And its great info for anyone else who might want to know signs and what do to so I thank CHuck for giving me an option to help Betty out moreso than any vet seemed to be doing.
I'm so sorry for your loss, blackbetty. Even I couldn't help crying a bit over this thread. I hope the mourning passes soon for you.

As I keep mentioning in other posts, I lost a beardie last year and it possibly could've been prevented. I think the strangest thing for me was that throughout most of the 6 months I had her, I kept having dreams related to her being weak, getting injured, being an aquatic lizard, or just water in general. When she finally did pass, the only way I saw to "bury" her in an apartment complex was to send her down the river. Of course, the instant we did so I realized that all my dreams were symbolic and, infact, were in direct relation to her fate.

I don't know if you've ever had anything like that happen, but dreams might mean a lot more than you think if you have chameleon or pet dreams. I've been very paranoid about my chameleon (only my second reptile), but thus far the few times I've dreamed about him it's always been about disorganization with crickets or him growing to be HUGE -- which I think is a good thing. :) I haven't figured out what the cricket thing means yet...

Anyway, my point is that dreams and subconscious urgings might also be a sign that something is wrong with your pet. I just thought I'd share in case it's helpful, or maybe just interesting.

Again, best of luck to you. Hope Ben lives with you for a long time. :)
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