How long does it take WC to get used to handling/hand feeding?


New Member
Yesterday the significant others WC Nosys came in. One is an adult who is okay with handling, the other is a juvenile who doesn't even like you comming near him. However, they both won't eat from you. We were told they were nosy mistios but now were thinking they are nosy bes. Advice on that would be wonderful as well. :D

Oh yeah, I am new to Chameleon Fourms so this may take some time trying to figure out how to use. The significant other is ColdbloodedAL. :cool:


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Try getting them to feed from a cup, once u have achieved that then start putting the cup in empty and dropping your feeders in, eventually they should take them off u before u get chance to drop em.
That's how I done it anyway, my Cham has never been big on handling, think they are all different...
Hope this helps
Thanks. We know the cup trick very well since we have a jacksonii xanth and we have used that for him. Was just curious if the WC would even do a cup since there not used to all of that. With the handling it seems like everyone has a hit or miss. The big one is okay comming near but the juvenile gets angry if u even open his door to the cage which kind of scares me to go near him lol.
the first looks like a nosey be the 2nd looks more masito. idk panthers very well tho. im shure others will chim in ^^
Yesterday the significant others WC Nosys came in. One is an adult who is okay with handling, the other is a juvenile who doesn't even like you comming near him. However, they both won't eat from you. We were told they were nosy mistios but now were thinking they are nosy bes. Advice on that would be wonderful as well. :D

Oh yeah, I am new to Chameleon Fourms so this may take some time trying to figure out how to use. The significant other is ColdbloodedAL. :cool:

the first one is a nosy be, and he looks like he needs lots of water asap. the second looks nosy be to.
Oh they are getting plenty of water. They have been drinkng away since they came in. I felt so bad, the poor things did traveling from florida to michigan with out it.
The older one is definitely nosy be, you can cleary see it in the pic of him sleeping in my album. The young one i think is still a little too young to tell but my guess is still nosy be. Regardless we are probably going to be keeping them. With the condition they are in they would probably not survivea return shipment
You need to get a fecal done ASAP. Put them in a well planted cage and give them plenty of alone time. Don't handle them. The need to recover from the stress of capture and shipping.
Thanks. They are in a well planted home. Were waiting to get a good fecal from them. An I only handled when getting them out of box to put in their new homes. I was just concerned because putting some feeder crickets in the juveniles home all the way on the other side of him he tried to lundge at me. The significant other is pretty well experienced because we have had a jacksonii xanth captive for almost a year now, so he knows mostly what he is doing. I was just trying to get other peoples experience on how long it took their WC to adapt to them and what not.
I had the same issue with my baby veiled when i first got him, but after consistently (weeks and weeks and weeks) putting food in the cup, he now gets to the cup before i can set it at the bottom of his enclosure.

Don't give up! They will eventually get hungry enough that they will realize their food is in the cup.
Thanks for the positive reassurance. I told the S.O. I was scared of him but I know the lil guy is prob just under stress, not used to humans, and probably just as scared of me as I now am of him LOL. I will now try to calm my nerves an just be patient trying to understand his state of mind. :)
i would get a fecal done on the first one pictured. he looks awesome and the second one could be a mitsio he is showing some awesome green and yellow. but get a fecal done on both fo sho!!!
Get them both well hydrated before administering anything. The first is a nosy be for sure. The second is either nosy be or nosy koomba. Im almost 100% positive.
Thanks everyone! Fecals go in sunday, which works out because a unexpected job came up in Cinci and i wont be back til sometime saturday.
Yesterday the significant others WC Nosys came in. One is an adult who is okay with handling, the other is a juvenile who doesn't even like you comming near him. However, they both won't eat from you. We were told they were nosy mistios but now were thinking they are nosy bes. Advice on that would be wonderful as well. :D

Oh yeah, I am new to Chameleon Fourms so this may take some time trying to figure out how to use. The significant other is ColdbloodedAL. :cool:

Nice looking chams. Id say the first is definately Nosy Be, the second im unsure, possibly Mitsio. You will see their colours intensify as they begin to get healthy and through shedding. My Cap Est was dark grey wih burgundy bars when i first got him, hes white as snow now with blood red bars!

With regards to eating and handling, just give them time and they will come around. Plenty of mistings and feeding are needed now BEFORE you start to administer any meds. Also, i know you probbly already have, but you need to quarentine them to be sure they dont transmit any parasites to your other chameleons.
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