Humidifiers: reg cold or ultrasonic?

Ultrasonic will create a fog like mist, allowing more moisture in the air. It's much more efficient than most at producing higher humidity levels.
Why not warm mist?

I built a warm mist humidifier into my system. If you need both heat and humidity, there you go. By boiling it also sterilizes the water. My cham was just shedding and he would actually sit in the warm mist. He seems to love it.

ReliOn Humidifer from Wal-mart. I bought this one for less than 30 bucks and hooked up a vacuum hose to the top of it. The hole that the mist leaves from is a 2 1/2 circular hole, perfect for a vacuum hose end. The cool mist exits and goes up the hose and down into the enclosure. Take a look at the post I submitted under one of the forums. It has pictures of my set-up.

Forum: Humidity/Misting/Watering:)
I made a trek to Walmart. They didn't have anything. In the baby section I found an off brand cold air - no ultrasonic.

I have a warm air but it burns a lot of electricity and with the heater on there's no need for warm mist too. At least I don't think so.
Gary, go to target or lowes.
I used this:
Thanks Dodolah. I've seen that in the drugstores. Its ultrasonic also? If I put it at the base of the tree it should do it? I'll get one for each tree.
yup! i'm using it now. Lately, the SoCal weather rob all the humidity.
Yesterday, it was 20% in my cham's cage! I am using the humidifier 24/7 now just to keep it constant around 47%.

Just to make sure you get the right one. :)
There is vicks humidifier that use meds instead. That one is a no no :)

Don't bother with the ratings.
The problem they are complaining is often because they don't clean it regularly.
If you are no longer using the humidifier for prolonged time, best to clean it completely and let dry before storing it in the dark closet.
I have mine for so long and it still working without any mold build up.
Frans is right about the brand and model to use. I have one exactly like the one he shows, it is great! It works PERFECT with 2" PVC pipe! You just remove the plastic fog director that covers the output shaft... then place the PVC over the output hole. The PVC fits like a glove and you can direct the fog anywhere with the piping.


Thanks again dodolah! Yeah I know. I've been freaking out because living near the beach the humidity is naturally around 58% and this last week its been 10% and I can't keep it above 30 with misting.

Sandra. Two reasons in my case.

1. I have a tester that tests kw/hr and $ usage on electrical equipment. It cost over $1.25/day to run a hot air.
2. At night I want the Cham to cool off as is natural and healthy. A warm air can't easily keep them at or near 80º.

summoner12 - Brilliant! Hey it was awesome seeing you yesterday. Sensory overload. I wanted to talk to you more.
Sandra. Two reasons in my case.
1. I have a tester that tests kw/hr and $ usage on electrical equipment. It cost over $1.25/day to run a hot air.
2. At night I want the Cham to cool off as is natural and healthy. A warm air can't easily keep them at or near 80º.

Thanks! makes sense.
I'm only running mine maybe a total of two hours early to mid-day and only in the middle of winter, and not using it for heat as the room has its own heater, so the impact isnt much to my purse.

Ya that Vicks humdifier is similar to the one I had bought. Its similar cause it has that round, 2 1/2 inch circular tube down the tub. Hey all of those who have this or a similar tube within their humidifier, do you guys find that the water that collects back in the tube causes a problem with the humidifier? The humidifier I have will back up with too much water. The water that builds up in the tub falls back down into the evaporating point and fills up, rendering it useless after ahwile.
1. I have a tester that tests kw/hr and $ usage on electrical equipment. It cost over $1.25/day to run a hot air.

summoner12 - Brilliant! Hey it was awesome seeing you yesterday. Sensory overload. I wanted to talk to you more.

Yeah it was pretty hectic at first. Things calmed down after a bit and I was able to get around and chat with more people. I wanna get a scope and one of those cameras! Very nifty stuff.

And, I need to get one of those power consumption testers, Dave was showing me his. Looks cool!
Yeah it was pretty hectic at first. Things calmed down after a bit and I was able to get around and chat with more people. I wanna get a scope and one of those cameras! Very nifty stuff.

And, I need to get one of those power consumption testers, Dave was showing me his. Looks cool!
I have a watt meter that I don't use very often and can bring to the SBCK meeting coming up if anyone wants to borrow it, PM me and let me know if I need to bring it...
What the $#@!

I just bought two of them and set them up with RO water. The entire house is filled with a cloud of something that makes me cough and gag. I finally had to shut them off after an hour.

Is there some type of break in factor with these things? I re-read the instructions and its pretty straightforward.
What the $#@!

I just bought two of them and set them up with RO water. The entire house is filled with a cloud of something that makes me cough and gag. I finally had to shut them off after an hour.

Is there some type of break in factor with these things? I re-read the instructions and its pretty straightforward.

Just run cold tap water into the fill tank... I don't use anything special... no hard water stains for far. I did find that if the room has no airflow the thing can fill the room with a cloud of mist..... but it never made me gag.... Maybe its time to change the RO membranes?:confused:
that is weird to me also.
ultrasonic humidifier does ionize the water and turn it to mist, but the mist is basically should be just water vapor and not make people gag.:confused:
Do you turn to maximum setting and close the windows or door restricting airflow?
I usually open a window a tiny bit when i run it on maximum. the ultrasonic humidifier is very effective at raising humidity.
The room can get stuffy pretty quick especially since you have two set up in 1 room (I used only 1 for my cham's room).

as far as gagging, is it the smell? or just being stuffy makes you gag?
if it smells real bad, could it be the RO water?
You should clean the water container well before using it. Sometimes a "new" humidifier do give off some funky odor -but never to a point of noxious.
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What the $#@!

I just bought two of them and set them up with RO water. The entire house is filled with a cloud of something that makes me cough and gag. I finally had to shut them off after an hour.

Is there some type of break in factor with these things? I re-read the instructions and its pretty straightforward.

It will wear off after a bit. It's natural for things to cloud up if you have a door closed in a small confined area, but the stuff that you smell or provokes the gag sense you have WILL wear off after a few uses. It's not harmful to the chams though...I had the same thing with mine the first couple of runs.
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