Hunger Strike/Possible Protozoans? PLEASE LOOK!

great to hear.
Now, the toughest job follows..
which is to avoid reinfestation.
make sure you clean the cage real good.

I did the last day of his treatment. Washed both of my chams cages with a bleach/soap solution just to be safe. Hows your guy doin dodolah?
my guy is doing fine. Thank you for asking! :)

He's fattening up again due to help from mulberry farms.
They nicely find some fat biggest hatchling for my sick chameleon. So, I manage to get the right size hornworms for him.
I talked to my vet, and we agree to continue with Panacur and stop the Albon.
After 5th Panacur treatment, i am about to check if he still has coccidia and pin worms.

If he still have them, then we will continue the dreaded Albon therapy.

Nico, you might want to do the bleaching session for 3 to 4 more times to be sure (whenever your cleaning routine is due).
Protozoan oocyst are notorious in staying alive even after bleaching.
Your probably right. I had the cage in the shower to clean so i could rinse it off with scolding hot water. I remembering seeing that bleach and soap will wash it off but it takes extreme heat to kill them. I let it sit in my shower while i directed the head to shoot the hot water at it. Our hot water heater can put out some serious hot water. I'll take your advice anyway. I plan on putting my female vieled in the cage the panther is in so i'll def. need to do some cleaning. The panther gets a new cage that im finishing up tomorrow. Ive completely refinished my reptile room and i want to make sure that everything is completely sterile lol. What do you think would be the best method of cleaning shelving and stuff if i don't have a steamer? Good to hear your cham is doing much better.
if you want to be absolutely sure a steamer is the best.
There is a cheap 19 dollars steam cleaner in the market.
Hello Everyone. Could someone please tell me if the treatments corrected the problem? My cham got dewormed and fecal test done 2 months ago with negative results, but he is showing exactly the same symptoms as yours had. Please let me know your experiences. Thank you.
Yeah. I tried to PM the people who posted here but no one answered. I'm frustrated that no one knows a reason for this behavior. I have been searching and everyone seems to have a different idea. :(
All chams at some point refuse a feeder item they used to eat regulary, it's how they got the reputation for being picky. I regulary rotate my food items.

Young Dubia roaches
The occasional kaydid, mantis, or grasshopper.

Parasites are a fact of keeping reptiles, regular fecals are mandatory.

Personally what you described doesn't alarm me but I'd do the fecals and switch out his food items to where he doesn't see any crickets for two weeks. He'll most likely be happy to see them after two weeks.

Hope that helps

Do you have a certain website you get these from?
My male panther has stopped eating crickets. I feed him his superworms...but I feel like he's getting spoiled on those. The options at our reptile store are really only crickets, wax worms, mealworms, horn worms, and silk worms.
Also, I'm moving into an apartment soon, I need creepy crawlies that are easy to contain.
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