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You cant give up!
Yea, im super stoked!! I remember Jannb mentioned that they get territoral when caged. So i tried something today when i got home from work. I got a wooden clothes hanger and got him to walk onto it and took him out. He made a b-line up the hanger and straight up my arm , to my shoulders and ontop my head.
He never once hissed or looked stressed. I put my hand up to my head and he climbed onto my hand. I handled him for about 5 minutes,let me 2 year old Sophia touch his tail and put him back. Sucess!!!
It felt almost too easy! lol
Excellent! He'll be eating out of your hand next....... We have a new addict to add to the collection, lol
Well i am not new to keeping reptiles ( and other exotic animals)..
I had a Veiled in my Environmental Studies class in college, but as far as actually keeping one myself this is all new!
Well i got a call from my Sister stating that she knew of someone needing a good home for their pet Chameleon ! (didnt know what kind or what to expect really. i was just told it was 6 month.)But i said "sure , i'd give it a shot.
I got it late lastnight and was a bit suprised. It was a beautiful male Veiled (didn't look 6 months , more like a year). But i didnt want to stress him with gauking eyes, so i just set the terrarium in a corner and let him sleep out the night in peace.
I have already read quite a bit about husbandry, but still have a few questions that i feel i can only get from one's personal experience.
Please bare with me , i might have a lot of questions!
PS: he slept at around 75*,this morning i had him under the basking light for about an hour (80*) before turning on the heat lamp (89*90*) while i went to the LPS to get him something to eat.
The previous owner had him eating roaches My wife would KILL me if i brought a roach into the house. So i got a mix of live foods to see which i can make due with. Crickets, mealworms and waxworms is what i eneded up with................. He ate them ALL in this order Crickets(5)-mealworms(10)-Waxxworms (5). I guess he ate the Crickets first just because they were more active!
Now my first questions.. Getting this guy to drink. He does lapp up some dropps of water when i mist the tank, but i feel like it's not enough.
Any tricks/tips?
I read about the icecube on the mesh lid melting drip trick and having it drip into a dish. But i have a little bit of surface rust on the mesh screen and didnt want to contaminate the water he'd possibly drink.
Any way , here are some pix from throught today.
mealworms and waxworms are very high fat and low protein plus mealworms are hard on the digestive system so try not to feed them more than once a week. altho iv bn discusing with people how if its the outter shell of the mealworm thats bad if feeding freshly molted mealworms could be a better for there health.
thanks for the info. So i guess it's Crickets then ( and i can try to sneek some Dubias once or twice a week. Ifff i can find them locally)
You can feed superworms as "treats".. You can also get hornworms. They are not gross at all.. They are actually very interesting. They are good for hydrating. You can also get katydids, grasshoppers, and many other insects that dont freak out the wife! haha
damn! soo many worms, lol
meal, super,horn, waxm lol
So meal and wax worms = fastfood worms ,high in fat but low in protine
Crickets are good once gutloaded but noisey
Dubia's are the $hit!! But the wife hates em
Its good that you speak about hydration because i feel as though he is not getting/drinking as much water as i'd like. I'll look into the hornworms.
Crickets are awesomehahaha.. I love ripping their legs off..
Go on mulberry farms (site sponsor).. they sell horn worms for cheap. Also, Dave also sells them.. Look him up in the classifieds.
ill be sure to check them out..In the mean time it's only been 3 hours since lights out and there are already 5-6 Dubia's in the "trap" cup. Kamo should be happy in the morning. Breakfast in bed!
You are definitely doing great with that guy! Remember to feed him every 2-3 days..not every day
Oh damn, why not everyday? I read to feed everyday and dust 2-3 days.It's always good to have a 2nd opinion.
He's almost full grown, or at least 8 months.. If you feed every day, he'll become obese!
As far as dusting, here's what i do with my guy:
Monday-saturday: Calcium W/O D3
Sunday: Alternate between multivitamins and calcium W/ D3 (one sunday one, the next the other)
im a lil. So you do feed 7 days? Just Calcium 6 days and on the 7th you alternate between multivitamins/Cal with D3?
Or are you dosing Cal without actually "feeding"?
Here it is easier to understand:
Monday- Ca w/o D3
Tuesday- Skip
Wednesday- Ca w/o D3
Thursday- Skip
Friday- Ca w/o D3
Saturday- Skip
Sunday- Alternate between Multivitamins and Ca w/ D3
That schedule you have is wayy better and manageable.
I'll buy only what he will eat for that day, since there is a petshop a few blocks from me and i pass it everyday on my walk home. This way there are no crickets chirping overnight (or feed him the male crickets first)
I'll keep some superworms at all times , justtt incase there is a hurricane of snowstorm!
Why didn't i get a Cham before again? This seems too easy :knock on wood: