I adopted a Veiled, help with a few questions!

Let him be. If his humidity is high enough, he shouldnt have any problems.
Have you given hornworms a second though? hahah;)

i have given it 10 thoughts. All negative.lol. But i foung a place locally(well in Brooklyn , 45 minutes away) that sell them 75 cents a piece. I'll get him one and see how it goes.
Well over the past week Kamo has been getting a lot more trusting of me and now reaches for anyone !

My wife Tanya never liked reptiles. Now she handles him more than i do. lol


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Kamo loves fish!!

Well i have been breeding Endlers (sort of a kind of Guppy) for about a year now. I have since had a population overload!! I have my fry grow-out tank rightt next to Kamo with about 40 Endlers in it. Kamo is showing a ton of interest in them, even tried to toung-slap a few times at them. lol

I had to put a piece of cardboard to block him from seeing them. I guess all the movment and activity drives him crazy.
From the pictures above, he is looking awesome man.. great job with him

Thanks. Does he seem a little lean to you ? I feel like he could use a little more weight on him.

Edit: Yesterday i was sitting watching TV and out the corner of my eye i see Kamo toung-lash something. When i looked closer i noticed he was trying to eat his own poop. Whats up with that? Is this normal or a sign of illness?

I have since cleaned his cage and now keeping it poop free. He also tends to poop 90% of the time into a drip-catching bowl at the bottom of the cage.
I don't think he looks skinny. I suspect the poop attempt was just a mistake on his part, though you definitely want to keep an eye on that.

I have since cleaned his cage and now keeping it poop free. He also tends to poop 90% of the time into a drip-catching bowl at the bottom of the cage

This is the reason people advise against waterfalls. Pooping in water seems to come naturally to them (and, it makes sense).
I don't think he looks skinny. I suspect the poop attempt was just a mistake on his part, though you definitely want to keep an eye on that.

This is the reason people advise against waterfalls. Pooping in water seems to come naturally to them (and, it makes sense).

Kool. I try to give him reasonable meals. Usually a mix of at least 2 different food items. He loves crickets, so it's usually crickets and another feeder.

Sometimes i feed him and i notice him wanting more.

Yesterday i bought 20 med/large crickets and gave him all in a cup just to see if he would be a glutton. Well he ate them all. I did notice that he took to his basking spot right after and didn't really do anything else but bask all day.

I assume to help with digestion with such a large meal.
He looks good to me. Glad to see your wife has taken to him. I love my liitle ones dearly.

He must have thought his poop was a feeder. :eek:
i cant help taking pix of the little guy!

He colored up nicely today.. few pix.


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Well i had all plans to order materials to build a custom Alum mesh cage (would have cost me over $200). Last minute i took a look on Craigslist and found one close to the dimensions i was looking to build for a fraction of the price. This one was 26" x 48" x 48"

I also had a pretty nice Ficus and Hibiscus on hold at a local nursery.

I will be setting up the new cage and a free-range this weekend!!

Now that Kamo is going to have a new place to live. His old home will be empty!!:D

I feel confident in getting another Cham. I have been shopping around and i have my mind set on a happy little Kamper, better yet Kammer!;)

I wanted to try to get him b4 it got too cold to ship. Otherwise i'd have to wait almost 5 months. My wife was the one that wanted to order him really. She said "you already have one, this one will be mine"


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Hahaha, sure sure blame the wife lol.. You know you are the genius behind the "get cham #2" plan hahaha.

That cage looks nice man, and your guy is looking pretty good. Give him a few more weeks and you'll see him get really nice. As long as you gutload those crickets well and keep him like a king, he's just gonna keep looking better and better.

Well i had all plans to order materials to build a custom Alum mesh cage (would have cost me over $200). Last minute i took a look on Craigslist and found one close to the dimensions i was looking to build for a fraction of the price. This one was 26" x 48" x 48"

I also had a pretty nice Ficus and Hibiscus on hold at a local nursery.

I will be setting up the new cage and a free-range this weekend!!

Now that Kamo is going to have a new place to live. His old home will be empty!!:D

I feel confident in getting another Cham. I have been shopping around and i have my mind set on a happy little Kamper, better yet Kammer!;)

I wanted to try to get him b4 it got too cold to ship. Otherwise i'd have to wait almost 5 months. My wife was the one that wanted to order him really. She said "you already have one, this one will be mine"
Hahaha, sure sure blame the wife lol.. You know you are the genius behind the "get cham #2" plan hahaha.

That cage looks nice man, and your guy is looking pretty good. Give him a few more weeks and you'll see him get really nice. As long as you gutload those crickets well and keep him like a king, he's just gonna keep looking better and better.

I do a different gutload every twice a week ( this week is sweet potatos, khale and carrots solid . Then pamagramit and apples juiced)<~ he has been showing a lot more color with this. I will try it for another week or 2 then switch it up.
Well word to the wise.. "Don't count your eggs till they hatch"! Or in my case don't count your cage, lol

I was supposed to go pick up my "cragslist" cage today. I called the guy to confirm since he is in South NJ (a 1.5 hour drive). He goes on to tell me that he had to sell it to "a friend in need"!

So looks like i'll be building my own Alum mesh cage after all.:cool:
hahaha, sucks dude.. If you're good with that stuff, go ahead and build one. If not, go on DIY cages and get a large one.. $97 shipped.. havent found a better deal than that yet.
hahaha, sucks dude.. If you're good with that stuff, go ahead and build one. If not, go on DIY cages and get a large one.. $97 shipped.. havent found a better deal than that yet.

I build racecars. How hard could it be to build a cage. :)

Only reason i wanted to build my own cage is because i actually wanted to build a dual-cage. For 2 Adult Chams. 48" x 60" x 30" (making 2 joined 48" x 30" x 30" enclosures) Sheet Alum back and middle/divider with mesh sides and front. Full front doors with swing out doors hinged at the front middle.

Using techniques from this DIY thread.

These measurements might change since i'd like to build around a "Pan footprint".. I'll go shopping at HomeDepot for Rubbermaid bins with a footprint close to 30" x 30". I will then cut them 3" from the bottom and use that as the waterproof floor of the cages.

Either do stilt legs from the cage itself. Or flat bottom and have it sit on a table like this.( granted i'd need another 14" on lenght)

Excuse the ruff sketch.


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Well i have been handling Kamo daily for about an hour a day. He willingly wants to be taken out his cage now,comes to the front when i come around! This is a complete turnaround from when i first got him.

Today i felt like he was cumfortable enough to have my 4 year old daughter Ariyana handle him. He was very relaxed, but she didn't like his sharp nails on her skin just yet. So here are some petting pix.


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two cutie patooties in those pics! Congratulations on them both! Love your daughters Hair.

Kamo likes her hair too. Kepy trying to jump into her nets! lol

Ari and Sophy vv


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