I confess! Please forgive me!

This is a lame confession. You must have some good stuff to share. Are you at least an axe murderer or something?

I considered getting into the ax murdering gig but the benefits are terrible and there is no advancement opportunity! The hours are good though.

Sometimes I let the cage go a week without a good wipe down, I have forgotten to mist in the morning when I'm late for work and have to call my wife to do it, and my feeder variety is terrible. Oh and when I first got my senegal chameleon I thought he was a she and and a Graceful chameleon for a week!

Now if want to talk about really bad stuff from when I was a kid (under 13):
I had a planted tank full of anoles and they all just disappeared. To this day I have no idea what happened to them. I forgot to feed a hamster for almost 2 weeks and it died. I accidentally stepped on my cockatiel and killed it... There are probably a few more if I really thought on it.

One of the stupidest things I did fairly recently is we had to bug bomb our house due to fleas and I left all my fruit fly cultures and crickets in the house... As I'm sitting in the yard with a zoo panicking over if I remembered to turn off the air pump on the fish (I did remember but I panic) I realized all my feeders were inside still!!

The scary thing is all the crickets lived. (I didn't feed them off though)

Then where would I keep my husband? Would I have to see him???:D

He can't be the guy that lives in the closed off wing and makes scary noises? ha haa
I confess I am a chameleon hoarder. Sorry all. Now that I admit it I can be able to get help.

Just how bad is your hoarding issue? Yes, you can get help here right away. Tell me what you have and I will be happy to tell you which ones you can give to me. I do love quads, so any of those should have my name on them.

Aren't you starting to feel better.:rolleyes::rolleyes: Just you wait, lots of us on this forum are always trying to help others.;)
i let my chameleons get within 10 feet of each other and left the room XD the bigger one jumps off his tree scales the others tree then bit him a couple times then went to go bask in the spot the other was in XD
I will also confess. I have the huge house all of you want. I wish one of you had it. I hate cleaning this huge monster!!! What was I thinking? No 2 people need 3600 sq ft. worst mistake I have ever made, next to moving to Montana.:(

ahhhhhhhhh 3600 sq ft. jeeze for two people do you just have empty rooms that you walk by and think maybe ill get another pool table that takes up space or maybe i should start renting storage
ahhhhhhhhh 3600 sq ft. jeeze for two people do you just have empty rooms that you walk by and think maybe ill get another pool table that takes up space or maybe i should start renting storage

It really isn't as big as it sounds. Here goes 6 bedrooms, 1 for hubby & I , second for my friend who stays here mon to thurs, when school is in session. She is a prof at the univ and lives 125 miles away, #3 is for L enny my beloved male quad, a room for my fabric, a room for my sewing machines - now shared by the transvaalense , one for the other chams. Living room, dining room, kitchen and a stupid media room. A few hall, closets, & bathrooms. But you can see I do use it all. Ok and a stupid unfinished bedroom that is hubby's man cave.
I know very few people here and zero people when we moved as we allowed for my chams and my quilting. When it is -30, I don't go out much.:eek:
When it is -30, I don't go out much.:eek:

Good gawd are you sure you don't want to move back to California?

I mean you probably can't get a 3600 sq foot home but you might be able to actually walk to you car in the winter without freezing to death.
Good gawd are you sure you don't want to move back to California?

I mean you probably can't get a 3600 sq foot home but you might be able to actually walk to you car in the winter without freezing to death.

I would come back tomorrow and go back to my 1500 sq ft house just to have all my friends, a home depot closer than 125 miles, add in the weather, someone needs to convince David!!!!
Good gawd are you sure you don't want to move back to California?

I mean you probably can't get a 3600 sq foot home but you might be able to actually walk to you car in the winter without freezing to death.

for real i mean -10 is like the coldest its ever gotten here i new mexico go back to cali XD
I would come back tomorrow and go back to my 1500 sq ft house just to have all my friends, a home depot closer than 125 miles, add in the weather, someone needs to convince David!!!!

leave his window open one night that will change his mind!
I accidently squished my chinchilla, Flapjack, by tipping up a sofa to retreive him from under it :(

I had my hamster on my lap, then jumped up quick to shoo the cat away- little hammy got catapulted across the floor & was most shocked. Thankfully he recovered after a few hours bed rest!

I haven't wiped down the glass in Neelix's cage since I put him in it 2 weeks ago...
For salty-- and btw-- i like the green algae. that's why i left it...

That rose looks great! so does the smaller bta next to it! Usually when they have the bubble tips, thats a sign of something good going on:) The clown is a black and white Amphirion Ocellaris, not percula. DO A WATER CHANGE! lol and hook the skimmer up:) I have been setting up and maintaining aquariums for over 10 years, and have been keeping rare clowns and sps so it kills me when someone "neglects" their tank lol sorry I cant help it. Im sure the nutrients are through the roof but everything has become accustomed to it because it has built up slowly over time, but Im sure if you were to add a new fish it would be dead in a few days.
Just how bad is your hoarding issue? Yes, you can get help here right away. Tell me what you have and I will be happy to tell you which ones you can give to me. I do love quads, so any of those should have my name on them.

Aren't you starting to feel better.:rolleyes::rolleyes: Just you wait, lots of us on this forum are always trying to help others.;)

Well i have hoarded over 50 adult chameleons not counting babies and eggs, so that might be extreme lol. I have Melleri, Jacksons, Veiled, Senegal, Graceful, Oustalet, and a few different pigmy types. But this is not enough it seems.

And thanks for all your support lol
That rose looks great! so does the smaller bta next to it! Usually when they have the bubble tips, thats a sign of something good going on:) The clown is a black and white Amphirion Ocellaris, not percula. DO A WATER CHANGE! lol and hook the skimmer up:) I have been setting up and maintaining aquariums for over 10 years, and have been keeping rare clowns and sps so it kills me when someone "neglects" their tank lol sorry I cant help it. Im sure the nutrients are through the roof but everything has become accustomed to it because it has built up slowly over time, but Im sure if you were to add a new fish it would be dead in a few days.

Lol. This is true! I had a tank that the fish that were in there were thriving!! But anything new would die!! Everything was great till I added a trio of Anthias and had to damn near over feed the tank to get them enough food. This was the beginning of my problems with this tank. All the excess food messed up my parameters .
I share a bedroom with him. I am the one who always gets cold. Maybe I could lock him out by accident.

Ok I just noticed it is 3 am I am going to sleep.

Haha. I wish I had my my Chams bedroom sometimes. Similar but different problem.
Well i have hoarded over 50 adult chameleons not counting babies and eggs, so that might be extreme lol. I have Melleri, Jacksons, Veiled, Senegal, Graceful, Oustalet, and a few different pigmy types. But this is not enough it seems.

And thanks for all your support lol

I think you need to work at this addiction gradually, start small. So I will take all the pygmys.:):):)
Lol. This is true! I had a tank that the fish that were in there were thriving!! But anything new would die!! Everything was great till I added a trio of Anthias and had to damn near over feed the tank to get them enough food. This was the beginning of my problems with this tank. All the excess food messed up my parameters .

Thats when you need a very good, much larger protein skimmer then you otherwise would. Or more water changes. Anthias are notoriously hard to keep for that reason. In the wild they are constantly picking off plankton and floating tid bits in the water column. What kind of Anthias were they anyways Jon?
Thats when you need a very good, much larger protein skimmer then you otherwise would. Or more water changes. Anthias are notoriously hard to keep for that reason. In the wild they are constantly picking off plankton and floating tid bits in the water column. What kind of Anthias were they anyways Jon?

Yup bigger is always better in the world of protein skimming haha
Get one big enough to put an 18 month old kid In and you're good to go

Nice to see another long term salt head on here like you showjet

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