I confess! Please forgive me!

Are we doing saltwater confessions too?

I had a fisve damsel fish in my predator tank I couldn't catch and move, they kept picking on my porcupine puffer (a 12" porcupine puffer isn't the fastest fish in the ocean) my panther groupers and miniatus grouper or lionfish couldn't quite eat them so I found a giant snowflake grouper I bought specifically to dispose of them... they were all gone in an hour.

Most people who keep predator tanks think this is a bad thing to do, that snowflake grouper lived for five more years until the great die off. We left town for a weekend and I came home to a dead lion fish and I was using Diatomacious earth in the filter instead of carbon like an idiot. Everything died and I haven't had another predator tank since.
That rose looks great! so does the smaller bta next to it! Usually when they have the bubble tips, thats a sign of something good going on:) The clown is a black and white Amphirion Ocellaris, not percula. DO A WATER CHANGE! lol and hook the skimmer up:) I have been setting up and maintaining aquariums for over 10 years, and have been keeping rare clowns and sps so it kills me when someone "neglects" their tank lol sorry I cant help it. Im sure the nutrients are through the roof but everything has become accustomed to it because it has built up slowly over time, but Im sure if you were to add a new fish it would be dead in a few days.

I've been maintaining tanks for years as well.... and its a False Percula~ aka......Amphirion ocellaris - I know my clowns dont you worry :D

I've done 2 water changes since the last post. Still no skimmer though-- and everything is thriving. Whats going to kill you showjet is it's hooked up, just not turned on ! :p

and to the guy with the anthias-- thats a bold move my friend. Those things are some of the most challenging fish to keep alive.
I got a mistking for christmas and still have not hooked it up. I keep finding other things to do.:eek:
I also keep my T. Deremensis pair together.

Oh, and last week I ate 3 grapes at the grocery store and did not pay for them. Wow I feel a lot better!
I confess. I forgot about my cham outside in the enclosure. I came home hours later and started to mist the enclosure inside, and thought where did my cham go? oops!
Thats when you need a very good, much larger protein skimmer then you otherwise would. Or more water changes. Anthias are notoriously hard to keep for that reason. In the wild they are constantly picking off plankton and floating tid bits in the water column. What kind of Anthias were they anyways Jon?

I realized how hard they were to feed without overfeeding your tank after the fact. Ended up trading them in for a pair of Flasher Wrasses.

Really? No one else wants to confess?

Come on, we are all breaking rules...

Lets keep this going. Who else is breaking THE RULES and getting away with good husbandry techniques anyway?

1. Feeding your cham superworms everyday?
2. Not cleaning your enclosures at least once a week?
3. Selling your 2-3 week old baby chams to people with no experience?
4. Never misting your enclosure?
5. Using a plant NOT on the safe plant list?
6. Using all different types of substrate?

You get the idea...
man whatcamo that's a nice anemone i have a 35 gallon tank with led ecoray 60d light every time i get a new fish they always die on me too but i just got a nice yellow and black sail-fin tang and so far hes doing great eating away at the never endless supple of algae . . . . .
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