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I bought my chameleon 10 days ago from lllrpetile, he's a baby veiled. 8 days ago, he was really active eating and moving around like a normal Cham... But like 2 to 3 days ago he's weird with eyes like falling asleep and kind of weak .
It really scare me because I been really careful with him giving his respective calcium and d3. The cage were I have him is a chameleon cantina without a UBV, just 100 watt heating bulb and a 75 watt night bulb that's it. He hasn't eate since yesterday all I'm doing is giving him water since he doesn't want to eat. Pls pls need help
I think part of the problem is the cage. If you're using the rounded plastic Chameleon Cantina, I would change it. I also think your temps are too high, especially in that cage setup. I would change to a 60 watt household incandescent bulb, and then measure your temps again.
The dial type temperature gauge may or may not be accurate, if that's what you're using. If you have a digital thermometer, or a thermometer of any type that you know is accurate, I would use that to see what your temps are. Take a reading at the basking spot and lower down, too. So you know what the basking and ambient temps are.
I would also get rid of the night time bulb, he doesn't need it.
He also needs a UVB bulb, it's very important. I see you have a dual dome light fixture. You can put the 60 watt bulb for basking on one side, and a compact fluorecescent (cfl) 5.0 UVB bulb on the other.