i want to see your freerange

Here are my opinions/thoughts:

Free ranging is not for everyone, or every chameleon.

I live near the coast, and the ambient RH stays pretty high most of the time, high enough for a panther at least.

Creating a proper temperature gradient(something I see as one of the most important things to do with husbandry) can be tricky when you are dealing with a whole room. For the most part, I do find it easier to accomplish in the room though, compared to a 2x2x4 screen cage.

A closed off room is, IMO, a must. Especially if there are other pets (dogs/cats ect) and kids running around the house.

I hand feed almost everything. I have come to consider this a negative thing. It has made my chameleon lazy IMO ;/ I have tried bin feeding, and he does not like it. I also see bin feeding as the same as hand feeding.

It does have pluses.
I feel it has made the chameleon more personable, and not as skiddish about people, as he is used to me being in the room with him.
My FR takes up about 8'x8'x8' so he does have a decent amount of room to explore, compared to a 2x2x4.

The water issue is, well, an issue. Its not to hard to engineer a solution, but it can be tricky.

so Is that a no on best friends? I'm real loyal! Haha I kid I kid
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Neat setups everyone! Its good to see some ones that are new(to me).

We are already friends on here :)

My PS3 is my best friend, sorry :eek:

My brain is flooded with great ideas from everyone! Thank u all very much.

As for u mister snake... I can not blame u. And thanks :) how many chams do u have as of now?
As of now, I have one 1.5-2 year old(not exactly sure) female xanth, and a 8.5 month old BB ambilobe. :)

I am very glad I have inspired you to go re-visit MGS :)
Wow SolidSnake I reaaly appreciate all of the info that helps alot. You are very kind and helpful I'm sure alot of people appreciate it very much. Thank you for all your help so far. :)
Getting close to done haha yeah right ;)


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This is my old (2006) free range setup for oustaleti and pardalis. Both photo's were taken around the same time. The only difference is that I replaced the banana tree with a palm tree in the second photo.
I would do it a bit different if I had to set up something similar now, but the chameleons thrived in there and in our winters, I enjoyed it a lot myself too... ;)


This is my free range it has 2 ficus plants and 1 umbrella a jungle vine and a fake vine a 60w standered house blub lol this is just for when he is out would like to free range cus he would love it but just dont have the space for it and would always pazz out about were he his but he loves it so its ok :)


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I dont think mine is exactly free range but thought Id post

I hope I posted this in right section. I started my meller's in a routine where she gets light in morning I feed her in cage then let her go to vine and up to plant. It has done so much just with one plant she doesnt look around cage as much for some places to go. She did check out her limitations on plant but now is very settle with what she has. She waits patiently in morning for me to open doors. The only problem is I get concerned that she may not go to cage as much for uvb light so im going to hide on pointed at plant so she gets it there too. I dont like to free range and see pans etc its in my living room so Im looking for ideas where things are hidden. My drainage system is all hidden In bottom cabinent of cage. So if anyone has something you can sit and enjoy in living room where is looks like kinda dressy let me no. I dont no how to repost a pic or delete ones saved. But if you guys dont mind looking at link of my setup it would be helpful for your thoughts. Also if someone knows how to delete old photos or repost let me no.

I no we have posted are free range already but today i change the whole this so this are new and improved change he not been onit yet cus i finished a bit late and by then he was ready for bed so tomorra will take some picks of him on there tell us what you think people :D


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