Is he chubby?

I am going to order some of the Repashy then. If it works for you then it must be good. I don't understand why it looks so different than their premade stuff?? I have no trouble making the silkworm food (though it is a bit more labor intensive) but sheesh am I not a fan of the hornworm stuff. I make it according to the directions on the bag and cover the top of the food with plastic wrap like it says, but inevitably it always ends up too wet. As I see it, it doesn't make a lot of sense to cover the food if you don't want it to retain moisture. I literally had to use a paper towel and press the food to get the extra water out! Ugh

As for the silkmoths (shudders uneasily)… I am unsure. I could possibly have my husband try and give him one and hopefully Louie doesn't like it.🤞😅 If I see a moth flying next to me or flapping around I run away. I dropped my Christmas wreath-which luckily didn't break the decorations-when I was removing my fall sign from outside my door and guess what was behind it. A big fat moth-I almost grabbed it! 🤢 I flap around (ironically like a moth), shriek and run. Good thing I'm not embarrassed easily because it's happened at work, in my yard, at a friends house and on the side of the freeway (picture me with all the doors open, windows down and the back hatch open standing very far away on the side of the road). Soooooooooo ridiculous but happens none the less. We should all start a club.

Im So Excited Jimmy Fallon GIF
The Superhorn does look and has a different texture than the stuff the hornworms come with, but they seem to like it well.
Well, Louie still isn’t using his tail nearly as much but it looks back to the original color. I’m still waiting to get a fecal because he hasn’t wanted to eat as much🙄 and I was planning on reducing his food amount but now he only eats a few. He also isn’t sticking his tongue out as far. This boy loves to keep me stressed and guessing.😟
I use Repashy Superhorn mix when I’ve had need. It mixes up quite well and the hornworms do seem to like it well enough. Most of those types of powders need time to set and in the case of silkworm chow, needs to be microwaved & blended a couple of times.
Might I ask if you would be less afraid of silkmoths if you knew they are incapable of flight? They really aren’t like the standard moth. The males do quite a lot of wing flapping until they lock up with a female. But I get it…I have the craziest irrational fear of dinosaurs, specifically T Rex. Just don’t ever ever let your hornworms pupate into moths, intentionally or accidentally as they are big moths that you don’t even want to know about…harmless though, but big.
So I put my big girl pants on and am letting 2 of my silkworms cocoon 😅. Just told my husband it’s all him as soon as they hatch tho 🤣🤣
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