Is he chubby?

I am thinking of trying the anti inflammatory meds just to see if it improves his tail use. Has anyone had experience with this?
At this point I think I need to make friends with a reptile vet 😅
Haven’t had any personal experience with anti inflammatory meds. I’m wishing I had followed my heart and become a veterinarian.
Haven’t had any personal experience with anti inflammatory meds. I’m wishing I had followed my heart and become a veterinarian.
It's never to late to take on a new challenge. :LOL: You would definitely have quite a few customers.

I'm still in awe of how many pets you have! It takes me at least an hour each night to make sure my cats and Lou are all set (and help my husband with his saltwater tanks 🤦‍♀️) that I can only imagine your time dedicated to those guys and gals.
It's never to late to take on a new challenge. :LOL: You would definitely have quite a few customers.

I'm still in awe of how many pets you have! It takes me at least an hour each night to make sure my cats and Lou are all set (and help my husband with his saltwater tanks 🤦‍♀️) that I can only imagine your time dedicated to those guys and gals.
Afraid I’m too close to retirement to take on such a challenge. 👵
Well, I lost my cat last week. 😭 The week before I was able to find a sanctuary to take my turtle. Here’s his story. Now it’s just the dog and lizards. All of my chameleons and leopard geckos are in bioactive set ups, so maintenance is minimal and more time to enjoy them. I have an abundance of spare time and can’t think of any more enjoyable way to spend it than with my critters. 😊
I'm so sorry! I saw that you lost your kitty but also giving up your turtle...what a rough time you've had lately. 😭
I’m actually thrilled about the turtle. My goal was to somehow have him return to the wild, but I was told it wasn’t possible because he had been kept captive for so many years. I loved the little cutie, but felt so bad for him and that I couldn’t give him a life better than a fish tank. Then I found a sanctuary not too far away that could take him. He’s got a big pond to swim in now and other turtles to hang out with…can bask under the real sun, have fresh air and yet still be fed and kept safe. I plan on going down to visit him, maybe later in the year.
Oh that's so cool, and you can go see him too! Sounds like a wonderful place. Do they have a lot of rescues there? I bet it's lovely there and being in Florida, much milder weather.

Last night Lou decided to poop while he was out and tried to go on the heated blanket again!! Such a stinker. I was yelling for my husband to get a paper towel before it got on my hand. My son was visiting before going to his girlfriend's and was sitting next to me with this disgusted look on his face. :LOL: I kept telling him at least he didn't do this while you were holding him.
Wish we could know ahead of time...send up a flare Louie (what a mental picture)! 💩🎇
It looked healthy though so that's all that matters.


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