Is my Cham sick?? His poop isn’t normal anymore :(((

Anyone interested in reading his discharge forms and feedback you’re welcome to. But thank you. I’m gonna need luck with giving him these shots.
Btw when they brought him back to me he came right to me so fast it was so sweet. And when we got home he didn’t want to get off me and go back in his cage. I felt so bad. My poor baby is all bruised from his injections! :(
That's the hospital where I got my practical training.
I bet once you get rid of the pinworms he's going to get to feeling a lot better. After I dewormed mine everyones appetite increased and they gained significant weight. None had any obvious symptoms but the parasite eggs were found in the fecal. Metronidazol is also know as Flagyl be careful not to overdose it. If he has any new symptoms contact the vet immediately.
Really? That’s awesome! My bf had his dogs cared for there. He said they’re an amazing vet but expensive and he wasn’t kidding lol but yes I know they showed me how to do it with a saline shot then with the actual shot they wanted me to do it but I chickened out so my bf gave him the shot and I was supposed to hold him but it was difficult getting him steady so they held him while my bf gave the shot. So from now on I’ll have to hold him still while he gets his shot. I just wish I could take him there every 3 days instead of having to do this :(

But that’s awesome you trained there. So what exactly do you do that you trained there?
Oh sorry you meant the oral one lol well they showed us that one too. It’s a very small amount so I think he’ll be okay and not be given too much.
Oh by the way the website they told me to use for insects is out of stock on one of the insects I need. Does anyone know any other websites I can go to for the food they told me to feed him?
I was a licensed veterinary technician for many years. When I was doing my exotics rotation there one of the first things I did was force feed a gila monster with mouth rot. I even worked there for a while when I first graduated. It's an amazing facility.
Try Coastal Silkworms one of our other sponsors for silkworms and Rainbow Mealworms sells a variety of other insects.
Hope he feels better soon.
Wow, that’s really cool! I would love to do something like that but I just can’t poke and prod at animals nor could I ever have to deal with putting any down or anything like that... so instead I’ll keep having my dream to figure out how to open an exotic animal sanctuary. Like the ones you see on animal planet of those people who have baby tigers living at their houses and stuff lol
Hey everyone! So Durnehviir is taking his medication but I’m still forcing him to drink water and now he’s not even eating! I don’t know if it’s cause of stress or what but I bought him Phoenix worms, butter worms, and silk worms. He tried all of them once and that’s it. I even tried to give him a mealworm to see if he just didn’t like the other bugs and he ate one, so I thought he just didn’t like them. But now he won’t eat anything. I’m getting worried again. I’m gonna call the vet and see what she says but I thought I’d tell you guys first to see if you had any ideas...
When I was on Metronidazol once for giardia, I got while backpacking and my water filter failed, it made me very nauseous. I don't know what effect it would have on a reptile. Another thing many of the meds are compounded with almond or other oil, dosing with all that fat might reduce appetite as well. See what the vet suggests.
I’ll call the vet... again!... tomorrow. But so far no messages back. But guess what?!? He started drinking water on his own again!!! But I think from not eating he got skinner when he’s already underweight :((( I’m not sure what to do. By bf wants to try crickets again but the doctor said no more! Idk what to do but at least he’s drinking and more live plants and other wonder things! I wish I could bring him in so the doctor can check his levels again but I’m nervous since this is all being paid by our savings since we’re not working yet. :/
I’ll call the vet... again!... tomorrow. But so far no messages back. But guess what?!? He started drinking water on his own again!!! But I think from not eating he got skinner when he’s already underweight :((( I’m not sure what to do. By bf wants to try crickets again but the doctor said no more! Idk what to do but at least he’s drinking and more live plants and other wonder things! I wish I could bring him in so the doctor can check his levels again but I’m nervous since this is all being paid by our savings since we’re not working yet. :/
Thats good news!

have you try silkworm diet? that is a good feeders for sick animal in recovry, My chameleon got worms too in the past.. he was down too 180g :/ horribly skinny but 1 year later : 350g :) one they get rid of the parasite thing get better :)
I thought he was finally getting better! He was so happy and better this morning on our walk. I took a nap and woke up to him gone... I haven’t cried this hard in my entire life! I did everything the vet told me! I’ve never handled this kind of loss before.., what do I do, I’m loosing it. I’m just laying in bed with his body.... I can’t lose him. He was my everything!!!
Thats good news!

have you try silkworm diet? that is a good feeders for sick animal in recovry, My chameleon got worms too in the past.. he was down too 180g :/ horribly skinny but 1 year later : 350g :) one they get rid of the parasite thing get better :)

Yes. Silk worms, butter worms, and Phoenix worms. Even mealworms which were his favorite even though the vet said not too. I gave him the his medication correctly. The vet never got back to me... I did everything I could. I just took a nap yesterday after taking him out for some real sunlight and when I woke up... he was gone. It’s not fair! I did everything! He was so young! He was my everything! I don’t understand what happened! I want him back. It’s not fair
He’s wrapped up in my favorite t shirt with the video game logo I named him from and in a really nice box that I decorated like a tombstone.... I slept with it last night. I don’t wanna bury him yet... it’ll mean he’s really gone. I don’t want him gone...
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