!!!!Is There Any Species Of Cham!!!!!!!!

It just depends on the personality of the cham. I have a Veiled who HATES me, and a Panther who doesn't mind me. I try not to handle them often though

NOPE, some tolerate it and others hate it and then some are as friendly as can be. You should only "handle" your cham to bring them out of the cage and put them back in. You really don't want to "hold" a cham as this stresses them out. Enjoy them from afar whether their in or out of their cage.;)
Male dolphins in the wild have also been known to attack and kill human beings on occasion as well. Chams are not meant to be handled. That does not mean that some will not seemingly like it, although they usually have a sneaky motive such as escaping, or getting a special treat, or being taken into the natural sunlight, or being taken to a females cage by hand.
ok. one exception from the rule. a chameleon can ignore you or it can learn to associate your apperance with food but that's it...
I have a chameleon who totally LOVES being handled, and if that is what you need maybe we can talk. He is of the species call stuffed chameleon, they are the only known species that enjoys being held.
some individual chams are certainly more receptive to being handled than others, and some species more than others, and i think as a species genaralization that jacksons (xanths) are on that list, however, i think that there is a tendency on the part of some keepers to confuse a tolerance of being handled with actually liking being handled. some chams have been conditioned to be accepting of being handled, usually as a condition of food or because they have learned that being handled may get them out of their cage, but by and large i think the overwhelming majority of chams would prefer to be left alone, which is for the most part in their best interest anyway. if you want a lizard to play with, you are better off with a bearded dragon. jmo
I have a chameleon who totally LOVES being handled, and if that is what you need maybe we can talk. He is of the species call stuffed chameleon, they are the only known species that enjoys being held.

LOL!! I fell for that at first....
It's really sad that had to be reposted after the thread was made for it.

Oh I didn't realize that had already been posted in it's own thread.( I haven't read every thread on this forum). It's a local listing- Seattle- so I wouldn't have thought most would have seen it
some individual chams are certainly more receptive to being handled than others, and some species more than others, and i think as a species genaralization that jacksons (xanths) are on that list, however, i think that there is a tendency on the part of some keepers to confuse a tolerance of being handled with actually liking being handled. some chams have been conditioned to be accepting of being handled, usually as a condition of food or because they have learned that being handled may get them out of their cage, but by and large i think the overwhelming majority of chams would prefer to be left alone, which is for the most part in their best interest anyway. if you want a lizard to play with, you are better off with a bearded dragon. jmo

I got 7 bearded dragons and 3 veileds i am just trying to figure if i can ever get them to come out on to me easier then them puffing up and hissing today my female finally ate a cricket from my palm....i tried it with my male but he still is sketchy lol
I got 7 bearded dragons and 3 veileds i am just trying to figure if i can ever get them to come out on to me easier then them puffing up and hissing today my female finally ate a cricket from my palm....i tried it with my male but he still is sketchy lol

They will change YOUR behavior before they will change THEIRS. In contrast to beardies who are semi-colonial with more sophisticated social behaviors, chams are just solitary critters. Their whole approach to life is to avoid being seen, avoid attention, and if they are spotted, to threaten and bluff the intruder away so they don't get eaten. You just have to love them for themselves on their terms. At least you have beardies around so you will feel appreciated!
I would agree with everything said however, we have a male veiled that wants to be out. He loves sitting on my husbands shoulder and is quite content being walked around the house. When my husband sits down, Merlin uses the opportunity to go exploring, but will come back. He is an amazing creature and is the only one of my chameleons that does that. I know Jann's Louie and Camille are friendly creatures also.

I do have to say that Merlin stays in his cage during the day so he can get is UVB, water and crickets. We usually give him his kale when he comes out. He eats the stuff by the mouthful! Loves it.
thank god my fiancé thinks they're cute

chams are just solitary critters. Their whole approach to life is to avoid being seen, avoid attention, and if they are spotted, to threaten and bluff the intruder away so they don't get eaten. You just have to love them for themselves on their terms.

sometimes i feel like a cham...
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