Is this suitable?

Canopy Chameleons

Established Member
I've done Pyg enclosures before, but I want to try something different. I've always done Pyg enclosure with aquariums and screen lids. Hated it. Way too hard to fiddle around with the screen lid. So I was thinking, I have an empty boa enclosure cause I moved some snakes around, and I was thinking it might be great for Pygs. Here's the enclosures:
The one I have empty is a 48x24x18. I can mount lights inside, and make the correct environment, but will it work long term? It would be a gorgeous display tank....
I've done Pyg enclosures before, but I want to try something different. I've always done Pyg enclosure with aquariums and screen lids. Hated it. Way too hard to fiddle around with the screen lid. So I was thinking, I have an empty boa enclosure cause I moved some snakes around, and I was thinking it might be great for Pygs. Here's the enclosures:
The one I have empty is a 48x24x18. I can mount lights inside, and make the correct environment, but will it work long term? It would be a gorgeous display tank....

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:( any direct links to the picture?
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