Isospora ( SPP)?


New Member
So I took Fire to the vet today. He told me he found small amounts of isospora or SPP. He told me that it was nothing to worry about and that many chameleons can carry them. Should I worry? He also told me that many people deworm their reptiles every 6-8 months. Is that something that is suggested? He told me he could get me some ponazuril. Does any give these types of meds to their chams?
If you type "isospora infection in chameleon" into google you just might be able to answer your own question. There are lots of resource's available to read.

I did google isospora. It all sounds pretty bad to me. So why would the vet tell me it's nothing to worry about? I did read that they can live under control in the animals immune system. He told me there was very little that he could see. I'm sure the vet knows more than I do but I still don't feel comfortable leaving those things in my Cham. What about preventative deworming every 6-8 months?
My understanding of Coccidia is that it cannot be cured just treated. I've never dealt with it myself. From everything I've read about it it's relatively common and doesn't cause issue's until it is out of control. If your vet didn't recommend treatment maybe it is because the infection is not an issue. Getting a second opinion would hurt.

Lots of people give their animals dewormers like Panacure periodically. It is pretty safe with few side affects. The cost of a fecal is cheap so getting them done once or twice a year won't break the bank and it will tell you what specific drugs are needed to fix a problem if present.

My understanding of Coccidia is that it cannot be cured just treated. I've never dealt with it myself. From everything I've read about it it's relatively common and doesn't cause issue's until it is out of control. If your vet didn't recommend treatment maybe it is because the infection is not an issue. Getting a second opinion would hurt.

Lots of people give their animals dewormers like Panacure periodically. It is pretty safe with few side affects. The cost of a fecal is cheap so getting them done once or twice a year won't break the bank and it will tell you what specific drugs are needed to fix a problem if present.


Thank you for the response Carl. The vet told me he was very healthy and that he wouldn't worry unless I saw a change in appetite or weight. I just don't like the sound of any parasite in my animals. I think I will have him order me ponazuril. I do plan on doing fecals every 6 months. Do you know if chams can develop an immunity to these drugs. Like people taking antibiotics. That might detour from giving him the ponazuril now.
The chameleon won't develop the immunity to the drug, the bacteria or parasite will develop the immunity.
I have no idea if parasites can build an immunity. Bacteria can and some that used to be treated with Baytril are now even harder to treat because of over use of Baytril. Getting cultures done instead of blind treating is the best bet to find a drug to target the specific problem.

Just to get back to your original Coccidia problem- you will really need to keep things clean as it easily spreads. If you have multiple animals washing your hands and keeping the cages clean are really important.

I am sorry to hear about Fire. Coccidia is highly contagious and I have had two chameleons in the past that had it. I use Ponazuril on the last one and had no problems at all with it. Ponazuril wasn't used yet when my first Cham had coccidia and Albon was use and had terrible side effects. The coccidia was always treated and fecals done about a week or two after treatment and if it wasn't completely gone re-treated again and re-checked until coccidia free. The hardest part about coccidia is the clean up. I have a few links for you below and a chameleon vet in the Denver area that's also a very well respected member here on the forums.


Coccidia info and clean up:
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Hey guys thanks for respondin. I really appreciate it. Carl I do clean my cage weekly. I take everything out completely break it down and clea every thing with scolding hot water. Is the hot water enough or should I buy a reptile safe cleaner? Tha vet said he could see small amounts of isospora in the sample. Is this the same thing as having Coccidia? Fire's feceis is still solid is this what u mean by the mess to clean up. And finally the vet told me not to worry. Obviously I am worried. Should I just get him on the ponazuril anyway. It sounds like I should. I'm sorry if this sounds rhetorical but I have never owned a reptile and want to do what's best for him.
I use a disinfectant specifically labelled as able to kill coccidia as many other disinfectants, including bleach will not kill it.

I order mine on this website.

My bearded dragon has it and I was originally told not to worry too much about it. He then slowed down around brumation time and he went down hill. He stopped eating and has lost 66 grams (down from 400 to 334 grams). I would think its better to treat while they are healthy than wait until they are sick from it.

We treated and are now in the wait to recheck phase, but again I am having to syringe feed him and try to get him healthy again. I wish I would have treated him before he got this bad.

And yes, contagious so be careful.
Yes I would treat now like others have suggested. If a drug is now available that completely wipes it out with no side affects I wouldnt hesitate.

As for cleaning use a disinfectant designed to kill it. Follow Piggletts link.

I really think the wait to treat mindset is from back when the only treatment option was harmful, like Albon with many side effects. The treatment was hard on them, their organs, required a lot of water intake, and it made more sense to wait if the animal was otherwise healthy. Now that there is a safe alternative with little to no side effects there really isn't a good reason not to treat, in my opinion.
Thank you all so much. I'm calling the vet right now and having him order the meds. I will also order the suggested cleaner. Thanks again
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