Jackson Chameleon. HELP NOW!!


New Member
Ok so our cham died today. When we got her they told us there was a possibility she was pregnant. After living a happy tow months, that came to a screeching hault today. She was lethargic, eyes were sunk, mouth open. A few minutes later she was gone. We noticed her colors changed on Saturday but this was the only difference we ever saw. She was really fat the whole time. We had a dripper, mister, the proper lights, well fed with calcium. So i went to dispose of her, turns out there are "egg like objects" about 30 of them laying in the bottom of her cage. They told us she would lay eggs, but im seeing online this is not the case, anyways... Should i incubate these or toss them?
Oh welcome to the forums, even though I'm very sorry this is what brought you here. Are these egg like objects brown and slug like.?
Thats what they told us she was. They look more like tiny hard boiled eggs, after the shell is taken off
Are they moving, at all? 30 is alot of babies for a jackson. How long have they been out of her?
Yes welcome. Its good to meet you, sorry its under these circumstances. If they are alive, which I doubt, we can help.
If they are alive, they will be moving, there is no incubating a jackson egg. The mommy does that :(
not moving, they are white with a bit of clear. And they do not have a shell. Today, she was fat as fat can be around noon today, she died around 8. So today sometime. They were in the back corner.

Thanks for the welcome. She was a great reptile to have!!
Sorry to hear she passed.

do you have any pictures of her before she died?

if you have some hatchrite or vermiculite laying around. if she is a wild caught chameleon she could very well have fertile eggs. you could try the shoe box method and time will tell if these are indeed fertile..

Are they white, pink tinge or yellow?
To clarify, jacksons hold the eggs until they are matured, they then deposite them, in sticky sacs, and the babies rip through them and emerge. I would cut one open to see whats in there, but they are probably not fully matured from the sound of the description.
I do have a pic of her before she died, but cannot figure out how to get it on here. They are mostly white with a tiny bit of clear. She came directly from a breeder she was living with a male, then to petco where we got her. I picked one up, but it wasnt moving or anything. It seems as if she got down and had laid them. just by the way they are neatly piled up.
ok so i just took all the eggs out. all 42 of them! (i counted, they were piled on top of each other) it seems she dug a hole in the back corner and had them all in the one spot. Not 42 is alot, could she be soma differernt species of cham?
ok so i just took all the eggs out. all 42 of them! (i counted, they were piled on top of each other) it seems she dug a hole in the back corner and had them all in the one spot. Not 42 is alot, could she be soma differernt species of cham?

If they are actually eggs, then she is not a jacksons.
if she is a jackson, 42 is alot, those would be slugs, though to have none be alive is very concerning.

can you post a pic of them and her please?

post reply, click the paper clip in the utility bar of the post.
browse your comp, upload pics, close the window.
click the paper clip again, click add attachments. post.
Doesn't really sound like a Jackson when you say a pile and 42!

ok so i just took all the eggs out. all 42 of them! (i counted, they were piled on top of each other) it seems she dug a hole in the back corner and had them all in the one spot. Not 42 is alot, could she be soma differernt species of cham?
This is her the day we got her at petco. just before xmas. She got MUCH FATTER!


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veiled chameleon, and she probably was egg bound and had nowhere to lay =(
goodness she looks pregnant too. very chunky in the back.. poor girl , RIP
VERY strange

Being live bearers its very unlikely she would attempt to dig a hole to deposit her eggs. you'd be doing us and yourself a favor if you could upload the photo.

if they literally look like eggs id have to say youre mistaken (or petco is rather, never buy from petco btw), the photo in your avatar isnt your cham is it? you could also just look up chameleon pics find one that looks like your girl and figure out the species by frame of reference.

funny thing is i just logged on today to ask a couple questions of my own regarding Jacksons gestation periods and birthing habits.
This is her the day we got her at petco. just before xmas. She got MUCH FATTER!

THis is a female VEILED chameleon.
WHOEVER told you this was a jackson, was beyond stupid.

Veiled chameleons lay eggs.
I can tell you now that your cham died because she did not have a proper place to lay eggs, essentially becoming egg bound.

females need at least 12 inches of wet sand to dig a hole and lay the eggs in.

I suggest you do a bit more reserach next time before you buy another one. Tbhis could have been avoided had someone told you the proper care for this type of cham....
I am in no way blaming you, you were misinformed...

If she was with a male, it is highly likely those eggs are fertile.
However, it can take 7-9 months to incubate them.

If you want, i can help you set this up.. but keep in mind, when those eggs hatch, you wil have 42 hungry babies, and they will eat you out of house and home..
neonates can eat up to 20 baby crickets each. thats almost 900 crickets a day! and then you wil need to find homes for them, since you wont want to keep 42 eggs.

they need to be incubated in vermiculite or perlite. in the dark. at a regualrd temp between 76 and 77 degrees. for over 7 month.s

I am sorry you lost your little girl.. and i hope this bad experience does not turn you off from cham keeping.
Yes. That is not a jackson, but a female veiled chameleon. She is obviously pregnant in the pic as well.
The eggs could indeed be fertile. I doubt they are very healthy though. They will lay infertile eggs as well, its normal for them to do so.
Im sorry things worked out the way they did. If you do decide to keep another chameleon(and you should, they are great!) read up on their proper husbandy first. Do as much research as possible. I dont have veiled experience, but others here have it down pat. There are some really good blogs on their care here. Just check the blog section.
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