Just Rescued a Veiled Chameleon


New Member
Hello... I just rescued a Veiled Chameleon about 6 months old, and I do not think he has ever had a UVB light on him with previous owner...someone was rooming at a place and left with out him...he looks to be showing signs of Metabolic Bone Disease his joints are all swollen and legs are looking a little deformed... he has eaten today and seems to be loving the UVB light and has been roaming around his new terrarium today checking it all which is just temporary until he get bigger/ stronger which ever comes 1st... I have all the calcium and multivitamins but is there anything else extra I could do for him to get him back to health?
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Welcome to the forum!

Please post a photo so we can see if he has MBD.

If he does have MBD then you need to correct it by giving him extra calcium and ensuring hat he has exposure to UVB and appropriate temperatures. It's recommended to also use the usual supplements while he's being treated for the MBD and then continuing on with the usual supplements afterthought MBD is corrected.

It's usually a liquid calcium sandoz or gluconate that is recommended to build up the calcium levels since it's more easily absorbed.

Appropriate temperatures aid in proper digestion and thus indirectly in nutrient absorption and exposure to the UVB allows the chameleon to produce the D3 required to use the calcium in the system.

The "usual" supplements are as follows..
Since most feeder insects have a poor ratio of calcium to phosphorous its important to dust at most feedings with a phosphorous - free calcium powder to help make up for it.

It's recommended that you dust twice a month with a vitamin powder that contains a beta carotene (prOformed) source of vitamin A. PrOformed sources of vitamin A cannot build up in the system and lead to overdoses but prEformed sources can. This leaves you in charge of the prEformed.

It's also recommended that you dust twice a month with a vitamin D3 powder to ensure that the chameleon gets some D3 without overdosing it and leaving it to get the rest from its exposure to the UVB.

Nice of you to rescue the chameleon! Good luck with it! Depending on how bad it is with your help it could still live a long life.
Hi and welcome and good of you to take on this chameleon! Pictures would be helpful as Kinyonga suggested. Also, if we could see a picture of your set up, that would be great so we can make sure you are off to a good start!
this is the best I can get right now...trying to not stress the poor thing out anymore than it already is.


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Oh and I am experienced with reptiles just have not had to deal with a chameleon with mbd yet and so young...want to make sure I am doing everything right.
please remember this is just a temporary enclosure for him we are preparing for a bigger one for him... but I just picked him last night as the poor lady was worried we was going to die on her.


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Welcome to the forums! I am glad you were able to rescue him. Yes, that looks like a fairly severe case of MBD. I am surprised he is able to climb around on his own. Have you seen him fall at all? How is his grip? This link has more MBD info:


I would take the substrate out of the cage, since they can accidentally or intentionally ingest it. I would also replace with a screen cage on its side as soon as possible so that he won't fall as far if he does. You can't really turn the glass cage on its side because the UVB will not go through glass.

I would also add more branches so he can get as close to the UVB light as possible, because he is really going to need it as well as the good supplementation already mentioned. What model of UVB light are you using?

Can you also fill out the help form?
Poor little guy. Yes, he has MBD and pretty bad I hate to say. Not only are his limbs deformed, but his casque is stunted,and his spine is misshapen which is also a sign. I am too surprised he is able to climb around. Bless his little heart.... If he begins to fall, I would cushion the bottom with towels or something of that nature. Also, give him some other things to climb on besides that single vine, if he is able to do so. And you may want to make the new cage not so tall incase he falls. Also, make sure he has vine or branch that is directly under the UVB light and also the basking so he can warm up about 8 inches down or so.
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please remember this is just a temporary enclosure for him we are preparing for a bigger one for him... but I just picked him last night as the poor lady was worried we was going to die on her.

Just a quick question. Its hard to tell from this picture but is the enclosure top screen or glass? If it glass, or even plastic the UVB light will do him no good. Glass etc. blocks UVB rays. The UVB should be sitting on screen. If you can I would take him outside as often as possible so he can get some real sun. Natural UVB would be so good for him. Just make sure he is well hydrated and doesn't get overheated. God luck and I am so glad you were able to rescue him...

Thank you everybody...you have all concluded what I had thought... yes the top is screen and as stated this is just temporary enclosure...for him his permanent one will be much more suited for him...

I am using a Repti Glo 5.0 Compact Tropical Terrarium Lamp...but was wondering if I should go with a 10 right now?

And yes I am giving him Rep-Cal Calcium with Vit D3 and Rep-Cal Multivitamins too. I also have a Fluker's Liquid Vitamin too that the women who called me went and got and hopes to help him, not too sure never used a liquid before.

And I am very surprised at how well he moves around...I did not add too much more just so I could observe him better...and he's a bit shaky but has never fallen yet...and he does have a good grip.

Now I am curious should I have his permanent enclosure tall like they require or a low profile one. Do you think he will have difficulties even once he is older...and back to health... and yes I know he will be deformed now for life.

I have a couple of other terrariums that were for Leopard geckos I can set up instead... but this one was already to go and I didn't really realize how bad he was until Yesterday when I was observing better and went wow I hope I got him in time.

I he is drinking too I observed him this morning as soon I filled his drip cup up and it started dripping he was right there... as soon as light came on he was traveling around...and is now sitting right under the light.
Ask for Help Form

Here is some recommended information to include when asking for help in the health clinic forum. By providing this information, you will receive more accurate and beneficial responses. It might not be necessary to answer all these questions, but the more you provide the better. Please remember that even the most knowledgeable person can only guess at what your problem may be. Only an experienced reptile veterinarian who can directly examine your animal can give a true diagnosis of your chameleon's health.

Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?

Answer: Species: Veiled Chameleon
Sex: Male
Age: was told about 6 months old
He has now been in my care for 2 days (rescued on Oct 24, 2014)

Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?

Answer: I have handled him only a couple times just assess him and
to transfer him to his enclosure.

Feeding - What are you feeding your cham?

Answer: I gave him wax worms yesterday
Will also be trying crickets, mealworms, superworms, reptiworms,
silkworms, and hornworms.

What amount?

Answer: 6 nice size ones.

What is the schedule?

Answer: Feeding, watering and misting 6:45am in the morning. right now I
am going to be shaking feeders with Rep-Cal Calcium everyday
except for Wednesday will be giving Rep-Cal multivitamins.

How are you gut-loading your feeders?

Answer: Giving all feeders a combination of spring mix blend and MK Basic
salad. But I occasionally mix it up and give them carrots,
potatoes, squash... basically what ever I may have at hand

Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?

Answer: Rep-Cal Phosphorus-Free Calcium with Vit.D3
Rep-Cal Herptivite with Beta Carotene Multivitamins

Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use?

Answer: Right now a Drip Cup

How often and how long to you mist?

Answer: Once in the morning and for about 30 seconds right now.

Do you see your chameleon drinking?

Answer: Yes

Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings.

Answer: medium brown with a bit of white... seemed to have a good
healthy consistency

Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?

Answer: no

History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.

Answer: Just Rescued 2 days ago... he was left behind by his previous
owner, the landlady contacted me to come get him so he can have
some much needed care. Does not look like he ever had a UVB
light only a day heat light with previous owner.

Cage Info: Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?)

Answer: Right now Glass with Screen Lid...Just temporary
Was going to go with a combo of glass and screen for permanent cage

What are the dimensions?

Answer: Right now...18" high hexagon 15; Diameter
was going to go with 48" high by 12" by 36"...but not sure if I can now with his condition

Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using?

Answer: Repti Glo compact 5.0 tropical terrarium lamp

What is your daily lighting schedule? 12 hours - 7 am to 7 pm

Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)?

Answer: Floor is 80
Basking Spot is 95

Lowest overnight temp?

Answer: 68-70

How do you measure these temps?

Answer: I have thermometer on bottom of cage floor and one right by Basking spot

Humidity - What are your humidity levels?

Answer: 40-60

How are you creating and maintaining these levels?

Answer: misting...but I will be getting a drip system going which should help

What do you use to measure humidity?

Answer: Hydrometer

Plants - Are you using live plants?

Answer: Both Live and fake

If so, what kind?

Answer: Pothos and snake plant right now

Placement - Where is your cage located?

Answer: Right now in my bedroom

Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas?

Answer: No non of those

At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?

Answer: right now it is about 6 feet

Location - Where are you geographically located?

Answer: North America - Ontario, Canada

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.

Answer: MBD

Pictures are helpful

Already gave some...but will be trying to tae more...will post when I have them.
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Dave, as a normal rule we do not give calcium with the artificial D3 too often(twice a month is advised on this forum) as it can cause health problems such as mineralization of their organs. I don't think the protocol should be any different if your chameleon has MBD. So, I would suggest getting a regular calcium with no d3. He will be getting D3 from the uvb light you are providing and of course natural sunlight is always best if possible. 95 might be a tad high for a basking temp. If you see him gaping(mouth open) then you know he is too hot and you might want to lower that. Someone correct me if I am wrong on the d3 dosage regarding MBD. I think a tall cage might not be the way to go, but if you see him doing ok with it then go for it.. I am still amazed at him getting around like he does. It just outrages me the way people neglect animals. So glad you are going to give him a fighting chance.
ok thanks I will be going to find some calcium today without the d3 and I will check on the top heat...I am going to switch him temporarily to another screen top tank that was for a leopard...but the question still remains if he makes it can he go into tall cage or will he have difficulties...but I guess we will have to wait and see.

Oh and tried to feed him crickets today...he does not seem to be a fan...he grabbed one and spit it back out :S
oh yes I decided since I enjoy my reptiles a lot...instead of purchasing them I decided I would take in rescues and spend the money in helping them...

and nothing surprises anymore...I have learnt your can tell people over and over again but in the in the end you are just wasting your breath...
Thinking of doing the same thing

Yes all to often Reptiles are neglected, usually without malice intent, I am currently planning to train as a Vet, and will look to specialize in Reptiles.

Longer term plan is surgery and rescue centre.

Lots of small term goals and hurdles to overcome en-route. :)
I'm not sure if this was recommended to you or not but a good staple feeder for you might be Phoenix worms (aka repti-worms, soldier fly larvae) - they have a ton of calcium naturally and a really good calcium/phosphorous balance. I'm not sure where in Ontario you are but I get mine shipped to me from http://thewormlady.ca/. My little guy loves them!

Also, good for you for rescuing him. I hope he thrives under your care!
Well its he still moving around without any problems or falls and is eating, drinking and pooping on regular daily bases... as soon as his light comes on he goes right on up to his favorite basking spot. He also climbs right on to my hand when i go to get him... so far so good....oh yes be seems to like the Phoenix worms... i already had some for my other reptiles. Oh and i just found liquid calcium i was going to add it to his water...It says i can i the directions...Is that a good idea?
I just wanted to give you some hope. He will always have MBD, but with intense care he can do well with it. Here is a girl who follows me on instagrams veiled and it's progression from day 1 rescue to about 6 months later.

Well its he still moving around without any problems or falls and is eating, drinking and pooping on regular daily bases... as soon as his light comes on he goes right on up to his favorite basking spot. He also climbs right on to my hand when i go to get him... so far so good....oh yes be seems to like the Phoenix worms... i already had some for my other reptiles. Oh and i just found liquid calcium i was going to add it to his water...It says i can i the directions...Is that a good idea?

Wow, poor little guy! He must love the correct lighting! No, don't add anything to his water. You won't be able to estimate how much he's actually ingesting and it won't be great to coat his skin with it.
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