Juvenile Veiled EYES CLOSED 1 1/2 week *HELP*


New Member
I bought him about 4/5 weeks ago now, at first didn’t have any issues, he was eating fine, normal poop, white urine sack, 70-80 degree enclosure temp with humidity always around 40-50%. After a couple of weeks I noticed it started closing one eye through out the day, seemed less active would pretty much “bask” in one spot and almost seemed like he was sleeping through out the day, with tail curled up mid day. I did some research thought it could’ve been my uvb light, I went ahead purchased a new Reptisun 10.0 compact uvb bulb, no heat lamp as I live in southern california and didn’t think it was needed. Gave it a few more days, and he then proceeded to start closing both eyes. I’m now stressing because he hasn’t been able to open his eyes, hasn’t ate, and it’s currently been over 10 days now, I went and bought some turtle zoomed eye drops yesterday and applied them last night, today, he woke up with these colors and hasn’t changed back since the morning, the previous 10 days, eyes closed but normal colors, last night I put eye drops, color was fine, today he wakes up looking like that, PLEASE HELP, First time owner, the last thing I want to do is hurt my new baby.


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Hi and welcome. :) Sorry your little one isn’t doing well. In order to better figure out what may be going on I’m going to ask if you would kindly fill out the following in as much detail as possible. If you could also include pics of your enclosure including lights and floor, as well as more of your cham, those would be a huge help too.

Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
  • Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
  • Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
  • Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
  • Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
  • Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
  • History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
  • Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
  • Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
  • Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
  • Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
  • Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
  • Location - Where are you geographically located?

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.


Please Note:
  1. The more details you provide the better and more accurate help you will receive.
  2. Photos can be very helpfu
I bought him about 4/5 weeks ago now, at first didn’t have any issues, he was eating fine, normal poop, white urine sack, 70-80 degree enclosure temp with humidity always around 40-50%. After a couple of weeks I noticed it started closing one eye through out the day, seemed less active would pretty much “bask” in one spot and almost seemed like he was sleeping through out the day, with tail curled up mid day. I did some research thought it could’ve been my uvb light, I went ahead purchased a new Reptisun 10.0 compact uvb bulb, no heat lamp as I live in southern california and didn’t think it was needed. Gave it a few more days, and he then proceeded to start closing both eyes. I’m now stressing because he hasn’t been able to open his eyes, hasn’t ate, and it’s currently been over 10 days now, I went and bought some turtle zoomed eye drops yesterday and applied them last night, today, he woke up with these colors and hasn’t changed back since the morning, the previous 10 days, eyes closed but normal colors, last night I put eye drops, color was fine, today he wakes up looking like that, PLEASE HELP, First time owner, the last thing I want to do is hurt my new baby.
Hun you have the wrong UVB lighting for him. Compact bulbs do not work for chams.
You need a t5ho fixture and a 5.0 bulb for it.

Please post pics of the entire enclosure lights down. and please fill out this form and be as detailed as possible in your responses.

Chameleon Info:

  • Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
  • Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
  • Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
  • Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
  • Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
  • Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
  • History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.

Cage Info:

  • Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
  • Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
  • Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
  • Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
  • Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
  • Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
  • Location - Where are you geographically located?

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.


Please Note:

  1. The more details you provide the better and more accurate help you will receive.
  2. Photos can be very helpful.
If this is what you bought then do not use this again. They are not straight saline and could be contributing to the issue. This has Vitamin A palmitate which is Preformed A... I do not know how this reacts in a cham given this way. But Vitamin A is fat soluble in chams and is therfore something that can cause an overdose issue... Yes, we give it orally in their supplement rotation but only 2 times a month and only in a powder format made in the right doses for chams to have orally. https://www.chewy.com/zoo-med-repti...MI4O6_rqe47gIV0b3ACh1brAAWEAAYASAAEgIrBPD_BwE
Chameleon Info:

  • Your Chameleon - Veiled juvenile Male Chameleon, been in my care for about 5 weeks
  • Handling - First day and yesterday for the first time since then, when I applied eye drops
  • Feeding - mainly dubia roaches with a few hornworms and black soldier larvae
  • Supplements - Rep Cal Calcium 5 times a week and Zoomed Repti Calcium W/ D3 Once a week
  • Watering - Manual mist 3-4 times a day for about 1 minute to 1 1/2 minutes every time
  • Fecal Description - Never been tested for parasites. Fecal was normal, last urine was PURE YELLOW no white,/orange transformation, just pure yellow, last time he had any bowel movement was about 72 hours ago.
  • History - I had a reptisun 5.0 compact uvb bulb which I changed out to a 10.0 compact uvb bulb about 6 days ago now.

Cage Info:

  • Cage Type - Full screen 16”x16”x29”
  • Lighting - Reptisun 10.0 compact uvb bulb
  • Temperature - top of cage is usually 70-80 degrees
  • Humidity - humidity never drops below 40 sits around 40-50%
  • Plants - All fake plants
  • Placement - next to tv, it currently sits at about 30” tall
  • Location - San Diego, CA

Included some pictures of enclosure below, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP EVERYONE SO FAR


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If this is what you bought then do not use this again. They are not straight saline and could be contributing to the issue. This has Vitamin A palmitate which is Preformed A... I do not know how this reacts in a cham given this way. But Vitamin A is fat soluble in chams and is therfore something that can cause an overdose issue... Yes, we give it orally in their supplement rotation but only 2 times a month and only in a powder format made in the right doses for chams to have orally. https://www.chewy.com/zoo-med-repti...MI4O6_rqe47gIV0b3ACh1brAAWEAAYASAAEgIrBPD_BwE
Yes, that’s the one I purchased, so hence maybe the drastic change in his color and activity? I did two drops in each eye last night, and have not given any to him since
I’ll be putting my feedback in red.
  • Your Chameleon - Veiled juvenile Male Chameleon, been in my care for about 5 weeks Will need better pics of the back feet to determine of male. Males have nubs called tarsal Spurs that stick out from their back heels.
  • Handling - First day and yesterday for the first time since then, when I applied eye drops
  • Feeding - mainly dubia roaches with a few hornworms and black soldier larvae Very good. How are you feeding your feeders though? I’m attaching both feeder and ‘gutloading’ sheets.
  • Supplements - Rep Cal Calcium 5 times a week and Zoomed Repti Calcium W/ D3 Once a week I believe supplements may be where a good deal of the problem lies. Good with calcium with No D3 at every feeding. Not good with calcium with D3 once a week. It should be given once every other week. You also need to be giving a multivitamin once every other week. Lack of vitamin A amongst other vitamins may be part of the problem. I suggest Reptivite without D3.
  • Watering - Manual mist 3-4 times a day for about 1 minute to 1 1/2 minutes every time Mist for about 2 minutes each time and you’re good.
  • Fecal Description - Never been tested for parasites. Fecal was normal, last urine was PURE YELLOWno white,/orange transformation, just pure yellow, last time he had any bowel movement was about 72 hours ago. Perhaps misting for longer will help with hydration, as well as what I’ll be telling you about plants in a bit.
  • History - I had a reptisun 5.0 compact uvb bulb which I changed out to a 10.0 compact uvb bulb about 6 days ago now. Compact bulbs have a very small area in which they provide adequate uvb and unless you have your cham like 3 inches away from the light, it won’t get any. That is why we use the linear T5 fixtures. A 5.0 or Arcadia 6% bulb will provide adequate uvb levels with your basking area about 8” away. I would also add a basking light. Usually a 60w incandescent bulb is enough to give you ideal basking temps of about 80. You can use the dual dome for the bulb and in the other side of it, you could place a plant grow light.

Cage Info:

  • Cage Type - Full screen 16”x16”x29” This is fine for a little cham, but veileds grow fast and you’ll be needing to upgrade to a minimum of a 2x2x4’ enclosure.
  • Lighting - Reptisun 10.0 compact uvb bulb See above
  • Temperature - top of cage is usually 70-80 degrees Again, see above. No higher than 80 for basking area. You’ll want to provide gradients of lower temps thru the enclosure so your cham can choose if it wants to be cooler. At night, it’s fine and ideal if temps drop down. Veileds can handle temps in the 60’s.
  • Humidity - humidity never drops below 40 sits around 40-50% Just make sure it doesn’t go above 50% during the day when it’s warm. At night when cool, you can add a humidifier and get humidity as high as 100%. This also adds to hydration.
  • Plants - All fake plants Nope. You need all live plants. Here’s a link to safe plants. https://chameleonacademy.com/plants/ Veileds eat at their plants so they need to be real and safe. They have been known to try to eat fake leaves and get impacted. Plants like pothos are super easy to keep alive, grow wonderful long vines which add more little cham roads and has big leaves to hide in and collect more water for drinking. Once you’ve replaced all the fake with real, hang the fake on the outside to provide more sense of privacy.
  • Placement - next to tv, it currently sits at about 30” tall Chams have very poor hearing, but at night the light from the TV may disturb it’s sleep. Also, they feel safest when they are up high, preferably higher than us.
  • Location - San Diego, CA

Included some pictures of enclosure below, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP EVERYONE SO FAR

I’ll be putting my feedback in red.
  • Your Chameleon - Veiled juvenile Male Chameleon, been in my care for about 5 weeks Will need better pics of the back feet to determine of male. Males have nubs called tarsal Spurs that stick out from their back heels.
  • Handling - First day and yesterday for the first time since then, when I applied eye drops
  • Feeding - mainly dubia roaches with a few hornworms and black soldier larvae Very good. How are you feeding your feeders though? I’m attaching both feeder and ‘gutloading’ sheets.
  • Supplements - Rep Cal Calcium 5 times a week and Zoomed Repti Calcium W/ D3 Once a week I believe supplements may be where a good deal of the problem lies. Good with calcium with No D3 at every feeding. Not good with calcium with D3 once a week. It should be given once every other week. You also need to be giving a multivitamin once every other week. Lack of vitamin A amongst other vitamins may be part of the problem. I suggest Reptivite without D3.
  • Watering - Manual mist 3-4 times a day for about 1 minute to 1 1/2 minutes every time Mist for about 2 minutes each time and you’re good.
  • Fecal Description - Never been tested for parasites. Fecal was normal, last urine was PURE YELLOWno white,/orange transformation, just pure yellow, last time he had any bowel movement was about 72 hours ago. Perhaps misting for longer will help with hydration, as well as what I’ll be telling you about plants in a bit.
  • History - I had a reptisun 5.0 compact uvb bulb which I changed out to a 10.0 compact uvb bulb about 6 days ago now. Compact bulbs have a very small area in which they provide adequate uvb and unless you have your cham like 3 inches away from the light, it won’t get any. That is why we use the linear T5 fixtures. A 5.0 or Arcadia 6% bulb will provide adequate uvb levels with your basking area about 8” away. I would also add a basking light. Usually a 60w incandescent bulb is enough to give you ideal basking temps of about 80. You can use the dual dome for the bulb and in the other side of it, you could place a plant grow light.

Cage Info:

  • Cage Type - Full screen 16”x16”x29” This is fine for a little cham, but veileds grow fast and you’ll be needing to upgrade to a minimum of a 2x2x4’ enclosure.
  • Lighting - Reptisun 10.0 compact uvb bulb See above
  • Temperature - top of cage is usually 70-80 degrees Again, see above. No higher than 80 for basking area. You’ll want to provide gradients of lower temps thru the enclosure so your cham can choose if it wants to be cooler. At night, it’s fine and ideal if temps drop down. Veileds can handle temps in the 60’s.
  • Humidity - humidity never drops below 40 sits around 40-50% Just make sure it doesn’t go above 50% during the day when it’s warm. At night when cool, you can add a humidifier and get humidity as high as 100%. This also adds to hydration.
  • Plants - All fake plants Nope. You need all live plants. Here’s a link to safe plants. https://chameleonacademy.com/plants/ Veileds eat at their plants so they need to be real and safe. They have been known to try to eat fake leaves and get impacted. Plants like pothos are super easy to keep alive, grow wonderful long vines which add more little cham roads and has big leaves to hide in and collect more water for drinking. Once you’ve replaced all the fake with real, hang the fake on the outside to provide more sense of privacy.
  • Placement - next to tv, it currently sits at about 30” tall Chams have very poor hearing, but at night the light from the TV may disturb it’s sleep. Also, they feel safest when they are up high, preferably higher than us.
  • Location - San Diego, CA

Included some pictures of enclosure below, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP EVERYONE SO FAR

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You are awesome! Thank you so much for the information! So glad I joined the forums!🙏🏽
You are awesome! Thank you so much for the information! So glad I joined the forums!🙏🏽
I got distracted by a conversation...I also want to give you links for learning more. This is perhaps the most accurate and up to date site on everything you want to know about chameleons and then some. https://chameleonacademy.com/chameleon-husbandry-program-getting-started-with-chameleons/
Neptune the chameleon on YouTube is also a terrific accurate and up to date resource as well.
I suspect your little one’s eye problem is caused from vitamin deficiency and improper lighting. Hopefully if you make the corrections I’ve listed, the problem will resolve. If it doesn’t, eyes worsen or anything else concerning arises, there is no substitute for a good chameleon vet.
Chameleon Info:

  • Your Chameleon - Veiled juvenile Male Chameleon, been in my care for about 5 weeks
  • Handling - First day and yesterday for the first time since then, when I applied eye drops
  • Feeding - mainly dubia roaches with a few hornworms and black soldier larvae
  • Supplements - Rep Cal Calcium 5 times a week and Zoomed Repti Calcium W/ D3 Once a week
  • Watering - Manual mist 3-4 times a day for about 1 minute to 1 1/2 minutes every time
  • Fecal Description - Never been tested for parasites. Fecal was normal, last urine was PURE YELLOW no white,/orange transformation, just pure yellow, last time he had any bowel movement was about 72 hours ago.
  • History - I had a reptisun 5.0 compact uvb bulb which I changed out to a 10.0 compact uvb bulb about 6 days ago now.

Cage Info:

  • Cage Type - Full screen 16”x16”x29”
  • Lighting - Reptisun 10.0 compact uvb bulb
  • Temperature - top of cage is usually 70-80 degrees
  • Humidity - humidity never drops below 40 sits around 40-50%
  • Plants - All fake plants
  • Placement - next to tv, it currently sits at about 30” tall
  • Location - San Diego, CA

Included some pictures of enclosure below, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP EVERYONE SO FAR
See the comment above but if you need like an example I can show you just let me know :) @MissSkittles answered so look at that it’s the best advice but I’ll give you my input too. I’m no expert but I did do my research before I purchased my cham and know what good husbandry is. I’m gonna tell you now this isn’t the best cage. I had a small cage in which I transferred my cham into a bigger enclosure after she started growing more rapidly. You don’t have to do this it’s better to just get the big cage so you don’t have to switch it out and pay more money. But you’ve already bought the cage so I’m telling you that you’ll need to upgrade soon. First things first stop putting in those eye drops they’re not the right ones and will make the eyes worse. Check to see if it has spurs on the back of its feet to tell the gender if it does than it is male if not it’s female. Bsfl are good since they’re high in calcium so they do not need to be dusted but can if you want, dubias are good just small gut loaded and dusted, hornworms are good but as long as your chameleon is at least 4 months old and small ones. Hornworms are given as treats and are not a staple so feed at least twice a week and only two or at least that’s what I would say. Dust your dubias every time and I’d recommend the repetitive like the last comment said. Mist for at least 2 mintutes even up to 4 for better hydration since you said the urates are yellow. Yellow urates means your cham is dehydrated so misting for longer will help. I don’t see a dripper so I’d recommend getting one or making one. They’re only like five bucks depending on which one you get and where. I got the big dripper on amazing for 7 dollars I think, you can make one though just get an empty gallon and poke a hole with a pin but there’s lots of other ideas on YouTube. Get your chameleon hydrated! And take the hammock out. Also you need a T5HO linear uvb 5.0. The rest someone has already said it perfectly. (I as well had some issues that I resolved with my enclosure so don’t worry as long as you fix it ASAP) I have some pictures of the repetitive, light, plants, and a proper enclosure and you can ask what plants I have and stuff if you want. I’m telling you now that some of the stuff you NEED is a little pricey. I made my own cage but you can buy it I just wanted to save a couple bucks. Oh and the eye issue may be a vitamin deficiency or incorrect lighting. Basically your husbandry. If you’re really worried take her to a vet she may have an eye infection or something stuck in her eye like debris or something worse so that is the best option just make sure it’s a chameleon vet. Also get her hydrated, hornworms are great for that! Ask me for pictures if you want! And I hope the eyes get better (post the back of your chams feet so we can see they gender. If it’s female you’ll need a laying bin and we can help with that.)
I got distracted by a conversation...I also want to give you links for learning more. This is perhaps the most accurate and up to date site on everything you want to know about chameleons and then some. https://chameleonacademy.com/chameleon-husbandry-program-getting-started-with-chameleons/
Neptune the chameleon on YouTube is also a terrific accurate and up to date resource as well.
I suspect your little one’s eye problem is caused from vitamin deficiency and improper lighting. Hopefully if you make the corrections I’ve listed, the problem will resolve. If it doesn’t, eyes worsen or anything else concerning arises, there is no substitute for a good chameleon vet.
I love Neptune the Chameleon 😂
I will update with better heel pictures in a bit, but I am currently on amazon trying to get a t5 fixture, as well as a droppler, but I may just go get it in person instead tonight, my last question, since his eyes haven’t been opening he hasn’t been exactly eating, should I try giving him vitamins through a syringe?
I will update with better heel pictures in a bit, but I am currently on amazon trying to get a t5 fixture, as well as a droppler, but I may just go get it in person instead tonight, my last question, since his eyes haven’t been opening he hasn’t been exactly eating, should I try giving him vitamins through a syringe?
Do you want the links? I got my light fixture for $49.99 I think it was plus shipping on zoo med and the dripper on Amazon just search the big dripper. You can go to lllreptile I know they for sure have the light fixture unless they’re sold out. Petco and pet smart do not have the right lights so don’t bother going there. But they do have the dripper there.
I will update with better heel pictures in a bit, but I am currently on amazon trying to get a t5 fixture, as well as a droppler, but I may just go get it in person instead tonight, my last question, since his eyes haven’t been opening he hasn’t been exactly eating, should I try giving him vitamins through a syringe?
Get the T5 HO linear fixture and Zoo Med 5.0/Arcadia 6% linear UVB in person so you can set it up ASAP! Zoo Med bulbs need to be replaced every 6 months, Arcadia‘s once a year, but getting a Solarmeter 6.5 if you can afford it is recommended! When was the last time he ate?
Do you want the links? I got my light fixture for $49.99 I think it was plus shipping on zoo med and the dripper on Amazon just search the big dripper. You can go to lllreptile I know they for sure have the light fixture unless they’re sold out. Petco and pet smart do not have the right lights so don’t bother going there. But they do have the dripper there.
Petco and Petsmart occasionally have the correct light fixtures and bulbs in stock. LLL Reptile will probably have them, too. OP, calling ahead to see if any are in stock (and if you can reserve it) will save a lot of time!
I will update with better heel pictures in a bit, but I am currently on amazon trying to get a t5 fixture, as well as a droppler, but I may just go get it in person instead tonight, my last question, since his eyes haven’t been opening he hasn’t been exactly eating, should I try giving him vitamins through a syringe?
That I’m not sure of? What kind of vitamins is my question though. Food is important but right now water would be best since the cham needs to be hydrated in order for it to eat and then you can focus on food. This is where it gets dangerous you can try giving it water but make sure you only drop a droplet in it’s mouth and allow it to drink before doing it again. Here’s your issue the cham might not open its mouth in which case you can’t get it to drink. Try dropping a droplet on its head and with the excess water on the syringe place it on its mouth gently I noticed that when my cham gets water on her mouth she’ll open to drink what’s on her “lips” so that might get her to open her mouth.
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