Juvenile Veiled EYES CLOSED 1 1/2 week *HELP*

You can also try the shower method in which you get a plant and a stick and place it on it in the shower. You have the shower head pointing towards the wall so that it’s not falling directly on the cham but the water is bouncing off the walls and little droplets are falling onto him. You need the plant so it can maybe drink from it and the the stick so it has somewhere to be. The droplets will fall on it and might get it to drink. This is a much safer method if done right. Actually Neptune The Chameleon on YouTube has a video on dehydration and water so you can look at the video so you can see what I mean :)
I will update with better heel pictures in a bit, but I am currently on amazon trying to get a t5 fixture, as well as a droppler, but I may just go get it in person instead tonight, my last question, since his eyes haven’t been opening he hasn’t been exactly eating, should I try giving him vitamins through a syringe?
https://www.pangeareptile.com/store/arcadia-prot5-uvb-kit.html Arcadia bulbs are much better as they are good for a year, where Repti Sun’s are only good for 6 months. I would just be patient and spend time making sure he eats some. I don’t like suggesting syringe feedings/hydration except in severe cases due to not only the stress of it, but risk of aspiration. Chams airways are in the front of their mouths and it’s too easy to make them aspirate. If anything, you could try gently dripping saline only eye drops or sterile water over his eyes right before eating to see if that helps them to be open long enough to to eat.
You can also try the shower method in which you get a plant and a stick and place it on it in the shower. You have the shower head pointing towards the wall so that it’s not falling directly on the cham but the water is bouncing off the walls and little droplets are falling onto him. You need the plant so it can maybe drink from it and the the stick so it has somewhere to be. The droplets will fall on it and might get it to drink. This is a much safer method if done right. Actually Neptune The Chameleon on YouTube has a video on dehydration and water so you can look at the video so you can see what I mean :)
With a shower though, the water needs to be cool. What we think of as pleasantly lukewarm can be scalding hot to a cham.
You can also try the shower method in which you get a plant and a stick and place it on it in the shower. You have the shower head pointing towards the wall so that it’s not falling directly on the cham but the water is bouncing off the walls and little droplets are falling onto him. You need the plant so it can maybe drink from it and the the stick so it has somewhere to be. The droplets will fall on it and might get it to drink. This is a much safer method if done right. Actually Neptune The Chameleon on YouTube has a video on dehydration and water so you can look at the video so you can see what I mean :)
The shower method isn’t recommended anymore because the chlorine and any other bad stuff in your water is drunken by the chameleon
The shower method isn’t recommended anymore because the chlorine and any other bad stuff in your water is drunken by the chameleon
Yes! That’s why I have a shower head that cleans any if there is but I know not all people have it. Where I live the water is safe though but I know this is not for everyone. :(
I will update with better heel pictures in a bit, but I am currently on amazon trying to get a t5 fixture, as well as a droppler, but I may just go get it in person instead tonight, my last question, since his eyes haven’t been opening he hasn’t been exactly eating, should I try giving him vitamins through a syringe?
I just bought a 2x2x4 cage a couple days ago for $105 including shipping in San Diego, it was 46% discount, maybe it’s still available
i believe he is a male, hopefully this picture is a bit better at identifying he isn’t very helpful, what I will say is that I just started feeding him as you guys mentioned by taking advantage of him opening his mouth to drink water, he noticed the solid, and immediately went for it, I will probably be feeding like this for the next few days or as long as needed, I will also be picking up a T5 Fixture as for the light brand I honestly don’t care at this point, when ever renewal time comes around I’ll do my research more in depth, as for now either the 5.0 T5 or the arcadia bulb I’ll grab, and as for enclosure I plan on building my own, I appreciate everyone so far for your help, you guys are awesome! Since his feeding and me misting for about 2 1/2 minutes in a matter of a 4 hour timespan since I got home from work, his color has gone back and is being a bit more active roaming, I hope between the light and vitamin adjustment Camilo should be good


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I just bought a 2x2x4 cage a couple days ago for $105 including shipping in San Diego, it was 46% discount, maybe it’s still available
I was looking too and I found one as well if money is the problem I’m sure we can find some stuff that’s not extremely expensive but the light is probably the only thing that won’t really change unless there’s a discount or something. Some plants tend to be more pricy then others too but I got a bunch of small plants and replanted them into bigger pots and made a bigger plant. You have to repot anyways and I saved money. Total was like 35 dollars for like 20 small plants at Home Depot I got an extra small discount since I’m a member. But it was only like 5 dollars 😂
i believe he is a male, hopefully this picture is a bit better at identifying he isn’t very helpful, what I will say is that I just started feeding him as you guys mentioned by taking advantage of him opening his mouth to drink water, he noticed the solid, and immediately went for it, I will probably be feeding like this for the next few days or as long as needed, I will also be picking up a T5 Fixture as for the light brand I honestly don’t care at this point, when ever renewal time comes around I’ll do my research more in depth, as for now either the 5.0 T5 or the arcadia bulb I’ll grab, and as for enclosure I plan on building my own, I appreciate everyone so far for your help, you guys are awesome! Since his feeding and me misting for about 2 1/2 minutes in a matter of a 4 hour timespan since I got home from work, his color has gone back and is being a bit more active roaming, I hope between the light and vitamin adjustment Camilo should be good
I don’t think it’s a male but I don’t know. My female has the same little bump but a males is a lot bigger and noticeable. That’s good that it’s getting better but I’ll show you my picture of her small bulge that I took when I was first sexing my cham let me just look for it
i believe he is a male, hopefully this picture is a bit better at identifying he isn’t very helpful, what I will say is that I just started feeding him as you guys mentioned by taking advantage of him opening his mouth to drink water, he noticed the solid, and immediately went for it, I will probably be feeding like this for the next few days or as long as needed, I will also be picking up a T5 Fixture as for the light brand I honestly don’t care at this point, when ever renewal time comes around I’ll do my research more in depth, as for now either the 5.0 T5 or the arcadia bulb I’ll grab, and as for enclosure I plan on building my own, I appreciate everyone so far for your help, you guys are awesome! Since his feeding and me misting for about 2 1/2 minutes in a matter of a 4 hour timespan since I got home from work, his color has gone back and is being a bit more active roaming, I hope between the light and vitamin adjustment Camilo should be good
Looks like you have a female...
i believe he is a male, hopefully this picture is a bit better at identifying he isn’t very helpful, what I will say is that I just started feeding him as you guys mentioned by taking advantage of him opening his mouth to drink water, he noticed the solid, and immediately went for it, I will probably be feeding like this for the next few days or as long as needed, I will also be picking up a T5 Fixture as for the light brand I honestly don’t care at this point, when ever renewal time comes around I’ll do my research more in depth, as for now either the 5.0 T5 or the arcadia bulb I’ll grab, and as for enclosure I plan on building my own, I appreciate everyone so far for your help, you guys are awesome! Since his feeding and me misting for about 2 1/2 minutes in a matter of a 4 hour timespan since I got home from work, his color has gone back and is being a bit more active roaming, I hope between the light and vitamin adjustment Camilo should be good
Mine has the same size spur and I just found out today that it’s a female (2 months old)
Yes I’m sure it’s a female this is the picture of mine and another helping you with the laying bin. I watched the video as well when I set it up but I don’t know why I was confused but I got it and it’s good.


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Yes, I think female too. Some females will have tiny little spurs, like yours. On males there’s usually no mistaking them. Here’s a pic of my guy’s Spurs to demonstrate.
I don’t think your cham is old enough just yet for a lay bin, but do become familiar with how to set one up and start gathering what you’ll need.
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I agree maybe another month her veil doesn’t look like my cham’s and my cham is the age that they start needing the bin in the cage even if not used. She’s gonna grow super fast though, this is my cham, I took this a while ago but her colors are beautiful and she grew a little bit more. Also that guy is handsome! Remember females are just as great as males well I wouldn’t know I’ve never had a male 😔 but I’m guessing.


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Although each cham is different, at approx 5-6 months old, you’ll need to be ready. First is the receptive period...she’ll put on her prettiest colors and patterns...teal, gold, stripes and spots. She’ll also become restless...constantly on the move looking for a boy. This is when you need to get the lay bin ready and move into her enclosure. You should have already moved her into a larger one. As it’s best to leave the lay bin as a permanent part of the enclosure, you can add a bit of organic soil and put a nice plant in one corner of the bin. Anytime after about 3 weeks from the end of that is when she’ll be getting plumper and might have changes to her appetite and activity levels. When she’s ready, she’ll find the lay bin and get to work. She’ll need absolute privacy until she’s done. I cover with a light cotton sheet only the visible parts of the enclosure and make little peek holes so I can monitor. When she’s covered her tunnel and sitting back on her basking branch, she’s done. You’ll feed her well for a few days and then cut back feeding to about 3 feeders 3 days a week. This helps reduce clutch size and frequency of laying.
I agree maybe another month her veil doesn’t look like my cham’s and my cham is the age that they start needing the bin in the cage even if not used. She’s gonna grow super fast though, this is my cham, I took this a while ago but her colors are beautiful and she grew a little bit more. Also that guy is handsome! Remember females are just as great as males well I wouldn’t know I’ve never had a male 😔 but I’m guessing.
Wow! What a beauty! Love those colors! 💗
Wow! What a beauty! Love those colors! 💗
Thanks she is beautiful 🤩! I think she’s in the receptive period not sure she’s asleep now but her colors are just as you described and she’s been exploring more. Her laying bin is set up so I guess it’s just sit and wait now.
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