New Member
A bit bummed out about this one actually.
We moved about three weeks ago. I noticed about two weeks ago that Killa wasn't eating much and hadn't pooped in a bit. I figured it was just the stress and the move etc., but I wasn't too worried. He'd stopped pooping for a while before, and a shower helped him out, so I put him in the shower a few times and upped the mistings. It didn't seem to help.
I figured maybe it wasn't hot enough for him at night, so I got one of those red heat lamps and replaced one of his basking bulbs with it (he had a 50 and 75w basking bulb and a 24" 5.0 UVB tube) to keep the temp a little higher in the enclosure at night (The basking spot is about 30-35 degrees celcius, and the cage is 4ft by 2.5 ft by 2ft, so lots of room to move down out of the heat). A few days passed and he didn't poo, instead his eyes started getting all sunken. So I took him to the vet, thinking he was impacted. The vet felt him, listened to his breathing and heart and said there was no impaction. I told the vet about my setup and the diet and he said that everything sounded good, and that it was probably a parasitic gut infection. The vet gave him some medicine, and said I should bring in some poo for a him to run some tests on it.
Sadly he still hasn't pooped, though he does pass some stuff that looks like urea once in a while. I took him to the vet five days ago and he's just gotten worse since. Sometimes he seemed like he'd be getting better, like crawling on the walls of his cage (which he hadn't done for a while) and moving around alot. But I just went downstairs to check on him and found him hanging by his tail upside down from one of the tree branches with his eyes closed and his mouth open. So I took him out and put him on a fake vine on top of the enclosure, close enough to the basking light that he can get some heat from it but not too close to it. I figure this way if he loses his grip and falls at least he won't break a leg or something.
He's just sitting there with his eyes closed.
Ah man.
The thing is I can't figure out for the life of me what I did wrong. When I first got him I did a ton of research, made sure everything was A-OK in terms of the enclosure, the lights, UV, calcium and vitamin supplementation, moisture etc. I've heard chameleons can go off their food for a while when the seasons change, and I'm wondering if this combined with the stress of the move was too much for him or something.
A bit bummed out about this one actually.
We moved about three weeks ago. I noticed about two weeks ago that Killa wasn't eating much and hadn't pooped in a bit. I figured it was just the stress and the move etc., but I wasn't too worried. He'd stopped pooping for a while before, and a shower helped him out, so I put him in the shower a few times and upped the mistings. It didn't seem to help.
I figured maybe it wasn't hot enough for him at night, so I got one of those red heat lamps and replaced one of his basking bulbs with it (he had a 50 and 75w basking bulb and a 24" 5.0 UVB tube) to keep the temp a little higher in the enclosure at night (The basking spot is about 30-35 degrees celcius, and the cage is 4ft by 2.5 ft by 2ft, so lots of room to move down out of the heat). A few days passed and he didn't poo, instead his eyes started getting all sunken. So I took him to the vet, thinking he was impacted. The vet felt him, listened to his breathing and heart and said there was no impaction. I told the vet about my setup and the diet and he said that everything sounded good, and that it was probably a parasitic gut infection. The vet gave him some medicine, and said I should bring in some poo for a him to run some tests on it.
Sadly he still hasn't pooped, though he does pass some stuff that looks like urea once in a while. I took him to the vet five days ago and he's just gotten worse since. Sometimes he seemed like he'd be getting better, like crawling on the walls of his cage (which he hadn't done for a while) and moving around alot. But I just went downstairs to check on him and found him hanging by his tail upside down from one of the tree branches with his eyes closed and his mouth open. So I took him out and put him on a fake vine on top of the enclosure, close enough to the basking light that he can get some heat from it but not too close to it. I figure this way if he loses his grip and falls at least he won't break a leg or something.
He's just sitting there with his eyes closed.
Ah man.
The thing is I can't figure out for the life of me what I did wrong. When I first got him I did a ton of research, made sure everything was A-OK in terms of the enclosure, the lights, UV, calcium and vitamin supplementation, moisture etc. I've heard chameleons can go off their food for a while when the seasons change, and I'm wondering if this combined with the stress of the move was too much for him or something.