Lame Joke Contest~~ :)

This guy comes back from the toilet, when a women says to him, "Hey, you have left your GARAGE door open"!"
As the man is zipping his fly up, he says with a big smile,"Did you see my big black hummer?"
The woman replies, "Nope just a MINI COOPER with two flat tires."
2 girls meet:

- me & my husband are no longer together...
- why?
- well, could you live with a person who smokes weed, drinks, has no job and always cusses?
- no, of course I couldn't!
- well he couldn't either!
A duck walks into a hardware store, says to the guy at the counter, "Got any gwapes (grapes)?"
He says no and the duck leaves.
Duck comes back the next day, "Got any gwapes?"
Guy says, "No, I told you we don't". Duck leaves.
Duck comes back again the next day, "Got any gwapes?"
Guy says, "No, and if you ask me again I'm gonna staple your feet to the floor!" Duck leaves.
Duck comes back yet again the next day, "Got any staples?"
Guy says, "No, sorry".
Duck says, "Got any gwapes?"
So...a guy walks into a bar...OUCH! i should really stop texting and walking at the same time

:rolleyes::rolleyes::p:rolleyes::p;):cool:;):eek: WOW. betcha didnt see that one comin!
Did you hear about the dyslexic, agnostic insomniac? He stayed up all night wondering if there was a dog.
A talking duck walks in to a bar and orders a sandwich and a beer. Another customer gets excited and calls the bartender over. "wow, a talking duck! Could you please give him my business card? I have a circus and we could sure use him."

The bartender hands the card to the duck who says "Hmm, what would a circus want with a drywaller?"

What's a dogs least favorite reptile?

A chameleons because they are color blind.

I haven't been on for a while, but I think this one is too clever not to share!

Why did the dog have such big ears?

He was a CORNDOG! ahahahahahaha
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