Left eye closed shut


New Member
My veiled chameleon that I got last Friday keeps his left eye closed most of the day. I misted him and he opened it for a while but he closed it again. I don't know what it could be

Also I'm worried because i haven't seen him eat yet, he's a juvenile so you would think he would eat everything I have been feeding him meal worms and dusting them with zoomed repticalcium with d3
Usually I keep the humidity between 70-80 after the mist it gets to be like 90
I have a reptifogger that runs all day so it keeps up the humidity while I'm at school and work
When his eye is closed he doesn't move or anything


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Hello and welcome to the forums to the OP and Kowston.

If the OP could fill this out it would help ALOT
We will be able to get a feel for how you take care of your cham and any issues we might see with your general husbandry and care.

Eye closures can be a number of issues, dehydration being the first larger option, there may also be a vit A deficiency or some issues arise if you have a night light on him, or the wrong lights during the day, there could also be an infection in his eye/sinus or (if he shed recently) could be shed in is eye, or substrate (if you use it) or any other large particles. Like I said if you fill the form out it will help loads.

To get a feel for eye issues here is a thread started by myself when I had issues,and it may provide some insight.
I hope you get this problem solved soon and take care of it early on.

@Kowston please start your own thread with the how to ask for help in there, as your problems may not be the same as the OP's
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