Hello guys, my 11 month old tamatave has been acting off. Lately he has been consistently dark in coloration and moving exceptionally slow. Whenever he’s on a branch or my forearm he’s sluggish and not attentive. Unfortunately he will only eat super worms. He hasn’t wanted out of his cage which is odd. I did get a veiled chameleon, and his cage is right next to my Panthers. There are two shower liners keeping them from seeing one another, is that sufficient? They both get multivitamins every other week and calcium with every meal. My panther only eats every few days but still gets fat, he has a very slow metabolism. I have also adjusted his lighting to be 9 inches away. His spine keeps getting burned, and at this distance the heat is barely touching him, I’m confused. Does anyone know why he might be so lethargic, Or what his spikes keeps deteriorating? He has a misting system that comes on every couple hours.