Luke, I am your Nosy Be father.....

Well cami. tends to be on nature time as well. Even with the change in time... she gets up at 6 and goes down around 6 even with light on.. she is ready.. All matching the sunrise and sunset... So i change the timer to meet her demands in a way
i would imagine he's up also around 6 or so also. he takes his time for sure to work his way up. unlike me (eyes open & head for the coffee), he sits there for quite sometime before he starts moving around. i too am going to have to change his timer settings a bit. i just have to find the magnifying class for the one i bought at the Depot. some of the read out is so darn small. my eyes aint all that anymore. oh wait, i have to almost teenage boys. they're small and have great eyesight.
We're really enjoying having Luke around. I did take some heat a bit last week. I had my first cricket escapee show up in the boys room. Yikes, that didn't go over so well. I got the evil eye(s) for quite some time. I guess I better get used to that. Spring is a little while off. Luke loves sitting right under his dripper. Whether its directly on his forehead or across his back, he'll sit there long enough that I giggle. He also loves the current southern sky sun. I keep the blinds open for him during the day.


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OMG, i'll be sleeping on the couch the first time I have a loose "beetle". And yep, Luke is in his onezy at 6:15pm also.
Yup, shes ready... she was getting mad. lol


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Luke has decided he's finally settled down and completely at home in his indoor enclosure. He's been having a lot of fun eating free ranging escapee crickets. He's running all over the place chasing them down thru his schefflera. I purposely let 6 go this morning, he put on his running shoes, and off he went for breakfast. He stills goes back to the feeding cup popping a phoenix worm every now and then.
Clouseau definately prefers to free range his food. I put silks and horns on his bendy branch and he grabs them right up. I also will free range some crickets and put some in the little bin at the bottom of his cage. It has lots of little branches sticking up and out so he can climb down in there to get them if he wants. I am sure some crickets escape as well but since I don't have 750 crickets jumping around my house so between that and the number of poos and pees he leaves I think he is getting enough. I also made a shallow little container and put phoenix worms in there and he makes short work of those too. It must be hard work being a chameleon baby.:D
In my morning stupor I left his cage door open and when I came downstairs a little bit ago, no Clouseau. He was up on the top of his cage, standing on two feet, praising chameleon gods by his basking light.
Well look who decided to fall asleep up front, and not completely in the back of his thick shefflera. Luke was obviously giving me the "stanky eye" after the first pic. :p I had to take a few to get this one. :D We're all very proud parents.


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He sure is giving you a stink eye! They just don't understand how stinkin cute they are and how helpless we are to resist said cuteness!
My wife who NEVER lived with any kind of pet before we met, let alone a reptile, , fell in love with in minutes of receiving Luke. Cuteness is a huge understatement.
good morning high five.....

Luke wanted to give me a "high five" this morning. He sure had his cuteness factor turned up today. :D


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Luke's first trip outside....

We made it outside for about an hour this afternoon. At first he wasn't sure what to think. Pretty sure he enjoyed it eventually. :D


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Someone is a little cranky.....

I knew this was going to happen today. He was all over the place this morning, and he even flared up and opened his mouth like a touch guy when I was dropping breakfast in for him. :cool:

Nothing like a good shed on a crappy rainy day in FL. :rolleyes:


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