Male vs Female Veiled & Other ?'s


New Member
I had a male Jackson chameleon for about 6 years and now i'm planning on getting a baby/juvenile veiled. It was recommended to me that I get a male because they are easier to take care of. Other than the issues related to breeding & eggs, is there anything else that makes caring for a female more difficult?

I've seen the baby veiled package at lllreptiles that comes w/ a 65g Reptarium, is this too big for a baby veiled & is it a good deal? I have space for a 2'x2'x4' enclosure and hate to buy a smaller cage to use for only a couple of months, has anyone been successfull in modifying a larger cage to use with a baby, or is it just better to either buy a juvenile veiled instead or break down and buy a small cage in the beginning & upgrade?

Thanks for any info...
Other than the egg problems that are possible with females, they shouldn't really be harder to care for. Some people even like females more than males.

Many will disagree with using a large enclosure at the begining. That being said many people have successfully used a large enclosure in the beginning so long as the baby is getting enough food. Cup feeding can take care of that. As long as the baby is healthy and doesn't become poorly, is CAN be done. However, when they are young the babies (wild) tend to hang out in smaller areas like bushes and what not until they get older. So many people say that it is best to keep is as natural as possible and start off small and upgrading as the baby grows like they would in the wild.
Mm i always thought a male would be easier to take care of hence the whole breed/egg issue with the females. Some people disagree.
Thanks for the info. I may just go with the smaller cage in the beginning...better safe than sorry. I've been searching the forums lately and have heard a lot of good things about lllreptiles. I'm planning on buying my setup & chameleon from them, but still trying to decide whether to go with the veiled starter setup they have with the reptarium or just buying everything individually...the reptarium might be too big anyway.

That's an awesome care sheet, thanks for the link.

One last question, I'm also planning on getting a Mistking setup, assuming I go with the smaller cage, should I just use a dripper & hand spray until I upgrade to the larger cage?
Thanks for all the advice. I've been reading these forums a lot lately and it's amazing how much great info you guys have here. I wish I would have had a resource like this to go to years ago with my Jacksons would've save me a lot of trial and error!

I may actually change my mind on the Veiled and go with a Panther cham instead. The only reason being that I keep hearing that male veileds are notoriously aggressive. While I do think Veileds are beautiful, I would prefer a cham that I don't have to worry too much about being bitten ;)

I decided not to go with the reptarium. I'm going to start putting together the enclosure and make sure I can maintain heat, humidity, water, etc. and then I'll order the cham.

Thanks again for all the help...I'm sure I'll have a lot more questions as I get started!
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