mantis right outside my front door!!!


i was getting rose bush clippings for some of my bugs and i just happen to notice this

after finding this one i found 3 others on the bush!!!! i didnt even check the rose bush on the other side of my front door.
since there are 3 i dont mind harvesting one:cool:
Dude thats a cool find! Now incubate that sucker. All you need is a container of some sort or even a paper bag folded over and taped closed. I hatched some ooths last spring. I just couldnt keep them from canabalizing each other. I got a few past their third molt but Im going to try again this year using different containers and seperating them into smaller groups. If you do hatch em your gonna need a ton of ff's and then you switch to houseflies after they get big enuff.
is it like a praying mantis, just in a cucune form? i find prayin mantis's all over in the summer but being under a foot of snow ill have to wait for now.
Iris oratoria oothecae, also known by the common name Mediterranean Mantis ooth. They like to snipe off bees that come to the rose blooms in the fall.
Iris oratoria oothecae, also known by the common name Mediterranean Mantis ooth. They like to snipe off bees that come to the rose blooms in the fall.

that makes alot of since. lots of bees buzzing in the fall
ill "try" not to harvest these, but i will snag a few babies when they do start hatching out....or maybe i will try to hatch them inside and just release most of them.
Nice! i just incubated a few ootheca, chinese and common european. they are super fun pets, and it is great cause you can let them go and they help your garden ^-^ I have been keeping them for a few years now, various species.
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