MBD, please help!!!!!!

Everyone who put on rude comments read this:

Ok, it seems to me that we are all trying to save a cham that we cannot save. This is a child trying assert himself in an adult world. This is not about his cham. This is about him. If it was the cham, he would listen to his doc but listen to us for a safety net because he loves his cham. Im a parent and most parents will tell you, when this sort of thing happens , do not reward the thoughtless behavior. I personally, disciplined my children, but most child psychiatrists say to ignore the child when he is acting out because they are seeking attention. You guys are giving his display attention and he is going to continue to use this poor cham to seek childish gratification. Still, I applaud you all for being so stand up and caring so much. Sorry for you that he used you.guys.
The chameleon is good, i'm telling you, this is what the vet said: He has no MBD. I'm just trying to tell you guys something but you want to argue, I am not seeking attention, honestly, I don't even want any attention at all.

Right now, you are just making it about me. This website is for talking about chameleons, not for conflict.

I have no thoughtless behavior. Why should I listen to you if you want to be like that towards other people. Please be nice and delete that comment you posted.
If he choose to believe in his current vet,no matter what we telling him ,he won't agree ,maybe his current vet believe in something that we dont,so all we need is the diagnosis fact sheets he get from his vet to identify why he believes its only a underweight chameleon instead of a MBD chameleon like everyone suggested .
He was put on a scale. I will not listen to anything you say unless it is nice. Please tell me why you think it has MBD in a nice way.
Everyone who put on rude comments read this:

The chameleon is good, i'm telling you, this is what the vet said: He has no MBD. I'm just trying to tell you guys something but you want to argue, I am not seeking attention, honestly, I don't even want any attention at all.

Right now, you are just making it about me. This website is for talking about chameleons, not for conflict.

I have no thoughtless behavior. Why should I listen to you if you want to be like that towards other people. Please be nice and delete that comment you posted.
Man, you are sure articulate and able to assimilate your thoughts well. You must be a mensa or a fibber
He was put on a scale. I will not listen to anything you say unless it is nice. Please tell me why you think it has MBD in a nice way.
He was put on a scale. I will not listen to anything you say unless it is nice. Please tell me why you think it has MBD in a nice way.

Here are the pictures u posted on ur other thread,can u see the irregular shapes on his multiple body parts and also u told us u did not use enough calcium supplements,now please tell me if u still think he is under weight or MBD??
It is clear that no one took my warning seriously. Prepare yourself...infractions are coming.

And Sepior - I have already told you very patiently and respectfully and as a reptile veterinarian the exact reasons for our concerns. From a professional medical perspective. For free no less. It doesn't get better than that. You can chose to listen to them or not but you would be wise to listen.
You obviously came to this forum seeking help from experts, which you will find an endless number of here. I applaud you for reaching out and seeking help for your Cham, that's awesome! There's no harm in seeing a local vet's opinion, and then getting a second opinion! Second opinion here, as far as experienced vets and chameleon owners, is pushing you in a different direction than what you've been told, and that happens. * Many owners have had their own experience with MBD and are very aware of what it looks like*. It's very easy for people who have raised chameleons for YEARS and have a lot of experience with them, to see pics of such a poor soul that you've shown here and get upset. He does not look well.
I'd say, take all advice you've gotten here about supplements and needing x-rays to verify a bone disorder. X-rays were made for this type of thing. I work with doctors myself (not vets) but have seen many patients(like a chameleon going to a vet) that have been misdiagnosed. They come to our office for help and a second opinion. It does happen, in reptiles just like in humans. A second opinion is always a good idea!!!
This thread has become repetitive and is not adding value to any parties involved, least of all the chameleon. I would suggest to the OP to read the advice from @ferretinmyshoes about your chameleon. At least call your current vet and ask what they think. As for the rest of you, although you are likely frustrated with your advice not being taken, the bickering needs to stop. Immaturity has no age limit.
Everyone should listen to our very own vet ferret,alphakenc I will rest my case,I will wish the OP( hey kid) best luck to his cham!!
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I do have one question for you that i think was asked before but i dont remeber seeing it asnwered. have you had your parents read through this thread?

I know you are doing everything you can to do the best for your chameon. I also know that if i were in your shoesand i was getting expert advice (some more or less expert) from people on this forum.

2 things I (and im sure others would appreciate) would like answers to.

1. Is it possible to have your parents log on and read some of the more contructive posts? Have them read the whole thread, just to get everyones opinions and insight.

2. A phone call to your vet that you saw is not out of line. you can call, ask those few questions about supplimentation and food and why your vet is confident that MBD is not the case.

I would say that these 2 things are very critical to the health of your chameleon. also maybe an addition to #1 would be to have your parents read through the care sheet so they know whats needed as well as you.

People are more willing to front some cash when they understand where that money is going and why.

Please feel free to personal message me if you want to but i think these 2 items are very important and will get this thread back on track.

I do have one question for you that i think was asked before but i dont remeber seeing it asnwered. have you had your parents read through this thread?

I know you are doing everything you can to do the best for your chameon. I also know that if i were in your shoesand i was getting expert advice (some more or less expert) from people on this forum.

2 things I (and im sure others would appreciate) would like answers to.

1. Is it possible to have your parents log on and read some of the more contructive posts? Have them read the whole thread, just to get everyones opinions and insight.

2. A phone call to your vet that you saw is not out of line. you can call, ask those few questions about supplimentation and food and why your vet is confident that MBD is not the case.

I would say that these 2 things are very critical to the health of your chameleon. also maybe an addition to #1 would be to have your parents read through the care sheet so they know whats needed as well as you.

People are more willing to front some cash when they understand where that money is going and why.

Please feel free to personal message me if you want to but i think these 2 items are very important and will get this thread back on track.
That is actually very good advice. Maybe if your parents had acces to care sheets?? Excellent advice! @jannb is also such a great source of advice. She's so very sweet and so knowledgable for anything veiled chameleon related! You have some really awesome sources here!
Gout is a disease that is caused by uric acid crystals in the joints and other body parts of your chameleon. These uric acid crystals are sharp and cause inflammation. This can be seen as swellings inside the joints, especially the wrists and ankles of your chameleon..
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