Meru Jackson gave birth


Just wanted to say that my Meru Jackson gave birth to 9 neonates yesterday. They are the same size as the 2 Werner babies that I have left from a couple of months ago. Weird that adult size is similar but neonates are different size.
I will be trying a different approach to rearing, separating groups in 2 different large bins. I did this with the 2 Werner's and saw that they did better. Hopefully will have better success.
Hey congrats!!! That's awesome!! Hopefully you'll post pics. It would be wonderful to see what the little buggers look like :)
I'm having a terrible time trying to get pics on pc. the usb cable I got does nothing! I will have to go to Sony and ask for help or use phone camera!
Please keep us up to date. Hopefully these guys will be a little tougher (or a lot, actually). Good luck with them.
Congrats, best of luck with them. Cant wait to see the pics ;)
And please keep us updated, would love to know how it goes with them and if the clutch is a success!
congrats on the tiny babies. As small as a Mt. Meru is the babies must be soooooo tiny. I would be lucky to find them after Mom dropped them. Hope all is well with them and the the other two keep on keeping on.
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