Mesh Tape Feeder Cup?


New Member
Hello, im trying to train my baby chameleon on cup feeding. I made a milk jug yesterday with a aluminum screen and he actually ate quite a few worms off it. Im worried about the aluminum screen because pieces of it flaked off when I was cutting it, and im worried if a worm or my cham eats a piece. I took it out after his first feed just to be safe and did a little research on what I can do to make it safer. I was looking online and up came some mesh fiberglass tape. Would this be safe to tape onto a feeder cup so my worms can climb up and down? I read that fiberglass is sorta safe for chams, but mostly all I read is it was bad for them to climb on and that crickets can eat through it. He wont be climbing it obviously, but would it be safe for his tounge? I thought it would be easier then using hot glue or tape. Heres what I was going to get, or something along the lines ;
I used window repair sheets. They are easy to cut, have a sticky backing and they don't splinter off. Got it at lowes.

You could also just rough up the area of the jug you want them to climb. Put some scratches in it and that works too.
I used window repair sheets. They are easy to cut, have a sticky backing and they don't splinter off. Got it at lowes.

You could also just rough up the area of the jug you want them to climb. Put some scratches in it and that works too.

seems like a better idea! looks like they are all fiberglass, im assuming this will be safe? Thanks!
Is it not easier to just buy a cup? Id be too nervous to make one but then i am a nervous wreck lol

You could do that. I'm not sure where but I think someone on here sells ones he's made. I wanna say it's @nick barta? Sorry Nick if it's not you.

I just made mine, that way I got the size I wanted. It's really not very hard.
Hello, im trying to train my baby chameleon on cup feeding. I made a milk jug yesterday with a aluminum screen and he actually ate quite a few worms off it. Im worried about the aluminum screen because pieces of it flaked off when I was cutting it, and im worried if a worm or my cham eats a piece. I took it out after his first feed just to be safe and did a little research on what I can do to make it safer. I was looking online and up came some mesh fiberglass tape. Would this be safe to tape onto a feeder cup so my worms can climb up and down? I read that fiberglass is sorta safe for chams, but mostly all I read is it was bad for them to climb on and that crickets can eat through it. He wont be climbing it obviously, but would it be safe for his tounge? I thought it would be easier then using hot glue or tape. Heres what I was going to get, or something along the lines ;
Don't use fiberglass. You cham can ingest and cause an undue trip to the vet. Use plastic screen material, or fine (small) plastic mesh netting. I use the plastic mesh that came in the cup from a hornworm order. Pulled it out of the cup and hot glued it to the back. Easy peasy.
Don't use fiberglass. You cham can ingest and cause an undue trip to the vet. Use plastic screen material, or fine (small) plastic mesh netting. I use the plastic mesh that came in the cup from a hornworm order. Pulled it out of the cup and hot glued it to the back. Easy peasy.

Thank you. I would honeltly have to go home and look at the stuff I have. I may have spoken too soon. Mine may be plastic mesh. I know it doesn't splinter or flake whatever it is. Sorry if I was mistaken on this. I have not done research on fiberglass but I would assume if it doesn't splinter or flake it would be ok. But like I said, I've not done research.
There realy should be a topic about peoples cupfeeding meathods... Took me a while to get a good cup that's open enough for my cham to understand (he's a bit dumb) but does keep most food inside.
Don't use fiberglass. You cham can ingest and cause an undue trip to the vet. Use plastic screen material, or fine (small) plastic mesh netting. I use the plastic mesh that came in the cup from a hornworm order. Pulled it out of the cup and hot glued it to the back. Easy peasy.

Thanks! I will stay away from that. I'll try to find some plastic or nylon screening.

I just ordered some silkworms from mulberry farms. Do they climb mesh? I see they climb that plastic in the cups but not sure if they can fit their feet in fine mesh.
I used window repair sheets. They are easy to cut, have a sticky backing and they don't splinter off. Got it at lowes.

You could also just rough up the area of the jug you want them to climb. Put some scratches in it and that works too.

I bought the fiberglass mesh but I'm too paranoid in case it flakes. I scratched up the cup on the inside and ran it under hot water to get the excess off. And soften up the edges with a lighter so there was no sharp parts. Now I can rest easy knowing he won't ingest anything bad. Now hopefully my silks coming tomorrow can climb it like my supers! Thanks for the advice!
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