My 2nd Chameleon: Panther Ambanja or Nosy Be?


Avid Member
I'm ready for my second chameleon after raising an awesome and unique Panther Ambilobe. I'm having a hard time deciding between an Ambanja or Nosy Be. Does a male Panther Ambanja or Nosy Be even change colors?
What do you mean by changing colors? They're both beutiful though so I say what ever you think you would enjoy. Ambanja's will have a little more variety color wise though.
I would take a Nosy Be just because the males have a really beautiful blue. But Ambanja's have a little more variety of color if you are wanting colors
Yeah seems like all the nosey be's are mostly turquoise or a solid blue, but I love the freeze guy canvas Chams has who's an icy baby blue look. My nosey be has crazy spikes up and doen his back and belly, much more noticeable than my ambanja.
@Kristen Wilkins can you post your nosey be? Haven't seen him!
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