My brave girl

Candid moment from the top of her jungle gym, sound asleep. Looks like she fell asleep wearing lipstick. I'm wondering if she gets cold out of her cage or if she's just happy and comfortable?? Any ideas?
How exciting! Post a pic of her new home when you get a chance. I'm sure Fiona's gonna love it!
As for Chloe, she's all over the place now. I have 2 cats, one is 13 and she hates him, the other is 8 but could care less about Chloe, so she's good. Chloe just wants to climb on everything, even if it's a ceramic decoration. Yesterday she did manage to sit on top of a ceramic bird tho....

Here it is...the light from the window keeps you from seeing the bamboo screen background.... More branches will be put up as soon as my magnets I ordered get here. I can't wait.
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Here it is...the light from the window keeps you from seeing the bamboo screen background.... More branches will be put up as soon as my magnets I ordered get here. I can't wait.
That looks awesome! I'm impressed ma'am. Did you get her back today? I love the ladders, been seeing a lot of those lately. I was going to buy one but now I'm tempted to just make one lol. Fiona will love that! Question: I can't tell what's holding the ivy. How did you do that? I have one I want to put in cocos cage but it's so heavy....
That looks awesome! I'm impressed ma'am. Did you get her back today? I love the ladders, been seeing a lot of those lately. I was going to buy one but now I'm tempted to just make one lol. Fiona will love that! Question: I can't tell what's holding the ivy. How did you do that? I have one I want to put in cocos cage but it's so heavy....
It's not some sort of artificial bamboo vines that came as a bunch. I cut it apart and wired each piece to the side of the cage. Fiona loves her new home...look for a post called "Fiona's Home"....I posted some pics.
Update: She was chilling on her pothos so I took her out on my balcony for some real sun. She was great for a while, then slowly made her way to my plant cart, I was watching her every move, then bam, she made a run for the floor of my balcony. I nearly shit myself and had to swoop her up. She's now back indoors safe and sound. I will be making an outdoor enclosure for her out of my old bird cage. Lesson learned. She's currently grounded until further notice.....
Update: She was chilling on her pothos so I took her out on my balcony for some real sun. She was great for a while, then slowly made her way to my plant cart, I was watching her every move, then bam, she made a run for the floor of my balcony. I nearly shit myself and had to swoop her up. She's now back indoors safe and sound. I will be making an outdoor enclosure for her out of my old bird cage. Lesson learned. She's currently grounded until further notice.....
Naughty little girl....seeking off to see where all the good bugs are hiding.:notworthy:
Update: She was chilling on her pothos so I took her out on my balcony for some real sun. She was great for a while, then slowly made her way to my plant cart, I was watching her every move, then bam, she made a run for the floor of my balcony. I nearly shit myself and had to swoop her up. She's now back indoors safe and sound. I will be making an outdoor enclosure for her out of my old bird cage. Lesson learned. She's currently grounded until further notice.....
Haha! On the surface they look so innocent and they act so slow and methodical but that's only because they're slyly calculating their next move. Then when we're not looking they put their plan into action! They can move surprisingly fast when they want to..Lol!
You give her some freedom and she runs off to who knows where doing who knows what. Soon she will be addicted butterflies and dandelion weeds.
Lol! Right?! This girl..... I swear she had one eye on me the whole time. I'm trying to keep her sheltered from the bad bugs and dangers of this world. Luckily I happen to have an old bird cage that will make a perfect outdoor enclosure once I get some screen to wrap around it.
Haha! On the surface they look so innocent and they act so slow and methodical but that's only because they're slyly calculating their next move. Then when we're not looking they put their plan into action! They can move surprisingly fast when they want to..Lol!
You're exactly right. It takes her 5 mins otherwise to make a move, then bam! She's on the run. She's a sneaky one....
I told her "no ma'am, get back in this house!" After I shit myself a little and lost a few years off my life! I can feel the wrinkles starting already..... :coffee:
I've had the same problem with my chams during outside time on my deck and the minute I turn my back my panthers are down from the plant they were on running across the deck. Especially my male. If he gets an idea of how to get down and away he will try the same thing over and over again..stubborn boy!
I solved the problem by buying a small $15 kiddie wading pool at Walmart. Then I put it out on the deck with their sunning tree right in it. The sides of the kiddie pool are too high and too smooth for the chams to climb up. Problem solved :)
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