My cam prefers to free range....


:confused:Question for u all-

My cam gets very impatient when he see's me pass by his Cage (4x2x2). He quickly starts to scratch at teh cage, then as soon as i stick my hand in the cage he's literally sprinting up my arm... My question is. If this is normal, or If he just prfers the free range.

Thank you all in advanced. :p
I have the same issue. I open the door to dump feeders in and he's crawling up my arm! I let him out every chance I get, but I can't babysit him all day! :p :)
My 5 month old male veiled is doing the exact same thing. At first I thought he was trying to get over to my females cage since she is showing her receptive colors( robbins egg blue spots) but now it seems he just wants to get out and explore my patio. I'm not certain if it's normal or not but it's good exercise for him so im ok with it.
HAs any one on the forum besides us that have posted, had tis issue if so what did u do. I'm getting concerned because My cam i think has gon on a hunger strike.... PLEASE HELP US...

AND again I thank you all for your help
"My question is. If this is normal, or If he just prfers the free range."

well theres nothing normal about a chameleon living in a cage... just so happens thats the only way most of us can provide a safe secure environment.

"I'm getting concerned because My cam i think has gon on a hunger strike"

does he seem anxious when hes in the cage? nose rubbing? screen climbing?

he could be stressed and wnats to escape his confines. is there a lot of activity near his cage? is it a high traffic area? if not is there a window close by or anything in the room that would seem like a perch he would want to access? obviously theyre arboreal and its just instinctual to want to get up as high as possible.

when i was breeding and kept a LOT of chams they were all in the basement, generally dim light outside of the cage compared to inside. but when id move a bunch outside during the summer there were always at least a couple seeming anxious especially if they were placed near branches outside of the cage. if the room hes in is well lit it could be as simple as him wanting to get up higher. and this instinct is going to be ever more storng if he feels vulnerable in the cage especially if its a high traffic area or if you have some cats or dogs wandering about.

you can try to curb this desire by providing dense foliage for him to hide in and feel more secure. what sort of cage furnishings you got going on? a pic would help :)

but at the same time it may not even be a stress issue, he may just like you a lot and associate being handled with good things like being fed or going outside. do you regularly hand feed him or take him out to wander? i had one panther that would always jump on my hand becuase i got in the habit of taking him out to show him off becuase he was so pretty. when id take him out to show people id obviously want to show off the tongue and in effect he would get fed. so he made the association and became conditioned.

if hes not eating now id be concerned that its stress and not conditioning.

keep us updated. GL
WOW.... Thank you for that explanation.

I do Have my cam in a corner where there is high traffic, I also changed his dies from pure crickets to Dubias. I also leave his free rage Vines up, so what u said about trying to get higher makes alot of sense. What ill do today when i get home , I'll take a few pics of my set up and hopefully u can assist wi th what you see. And I/ we thank you Again.
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