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So lets just dive right in shall we? Let me start off by saying this is a How To along with a How Not To. I will explain exactly how I did everything and give you pointers on how you should go about doing it differently if I think there is a better way. I made a huge mistake to begin with that cost me a lot of extra time, and made things so much more difficult. I started off with a 4’x3.5’x6’ cage that I house my iguana in before he passed away. I decided wouldn’t it be great to just cut the cage in half and use that part of the frame for my new cage? Well it wasn’t a great idea. I should have stripped the entire cage down and started from scratch because it ended up not being totally square and that threw everything off from there on out. (This is also why I won’t be posting any measurements on my cage because they are so wack and would just confuse you) Lots of measuring and remeasuring. Luckily I learned one good thing from taking carpentry in high school. Measure twice, cut once. It saved me from throwing a lot of wood away. So PLEASE make sure your frame is perfectly square and you will save yourself so much time and effort in the long run. That was the easiest thing that I could have done that would’ve taken me an extra half hour at the very most, but it ended up costing me several of hours down the road.
So this is what I started out with. These were 2x4s stripped in half.
First off I trimmed out the entire frame.
Everything you see here (besides the side panels that will come into play later) is reclaimed wood, or things I found lying around my garage. The ¼” plywood is the only thing I purchased for this build, so hopefully you aren’t looking for a cost guide, because this build will cost you several hundred dollars if you buy all of the wood and everything else you will need.
Next, I made the lid for it and cut up an old door for the bottom storage space and made two small doors for it. The top part is made up of some kind of 2” particleboard with a cherry? finish. I cut the corners at an angle and joined them with nails for a nicer finish. Then I took some old 1” crown molding that I found and decked out the top and bottom of the lid. I just ran two pieces of split 2x4s in between the two sides of the lid for support.
So this is what I started out with. These were 2x4s stripped in half.

First off I trimmed out the entire frame.

Everything you see here (besides the side panels that will come into play later) is reclaimed wood, or things I found lying around my garage. The ¼” plywood is the only thing I purchased for this build, so hopefully you aren’t looking for a cost guide, because this build will cost you several hundred dollars if you buy all of the wood and everything else you will need.
Next, I made the lid for it and cut up an old door for the bottom storage space and made two small doors for it. The top part is made up of some kind of 2” particleboard with a cherry? finish. I cut the corners at an angle and joined them with nails for a nicer finish. Then I took some old 1” crown molding that I found and decked out the top and bottom of the lid. I just ran two pieces of split 2x4s in between the two sides of the lid for support.

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