My future Nosy Faly stud

A night time shot. Weighed in at 16g today :D
Wanted to post a couple of quick cell phone pictures from today. I promise to get some proper pictures soon. He is 18.5g today.

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So after looking at the pictures on my computer rather than just my phone I replaced them with better quality uploads:eek:
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Wow what a diff a shed makes huh... hes lookin great rob..Ill bet you he starts bobbin at the ladies soon..
First...this is my 1500 post:eek:

Oh boy Rob, That guy is gonna be wicked! How old is he?!?

I know right! He is coming out better then I expected. I am not sure how old...have to ask Rob. Faly are slower growing that is for sure but he has really taken off recently!!

Wow what a diff a shed makes huh... hes lookin great rob..Ill bet you he starts bobbin at the ladies soon..

Man your are telling me....I just can't believe how he has changed over the past three weeks:D:D:D
He looks great! :D Rob has awesome faly's. And you are doing such a great job with him! I just know I am going to have to jump on the train! ;)
He looks great! :D Rob has awesome faly's. And you are doing such a great job with him! I just know I am going to have to jump on the train! ;)

Thanks Suzi!! Notice that turquoise greenish blue I was talking to you about on the phone;) You can also see in the sleeping picture the red stripes and yellow starting to show a little in his eye turrets I need to get some of that special gutload from Lee that he says increases the face yellow :eek: I guess not many people are excited based on responses but I am beyond excited. I really hope those arm bands end up going red like his sire. It's hard to see in these pictures but he has red rain in the upper half too it is just darker in these silly cell phone pictures:eek: That is one of the things I find the coolest about Faly is how there "red rain" goes from red to black. Even on there eye turrets the stripes go from red to's sweet to watch:D
Thanks Suzi!! Notice that turquoise greenish blue I was talking to you about on the phone;) You can also see in the sleeping picture the red stripes and yellow starting to show a little in his eye turrets I need to get some of that special gutload from Lee that he says increases the face yellow :eek: I guess not many people are excited based on responses but I am beyond excited. I really hope those arm bands end up going red like his sire. It's hard to see in these pictures but he has red rain in the upper half too it is just darker in these silly cell phone pictures:eek: That is one of the things I find the coolest about Faly is how there "red rain" goes from red to black. Even on there eye turrets the stripes go from red to's sweet to watch:D

I know I know I got to make more lol. I made 15 lbs. and sold out at the narbc :) ...
I need to get some eye shots of the faly babies some are yellow faces and eyes like my bot Poseidon:D
Nice, your Faly is turning out great and you finally captured the blues. Those blues are hard to get. My guy throws blues and I can't ever capture them in photos. I swear my guy doubled in size this past week. The last thread I made my guy was kind of pink, then the day after he shed and was huge and the red rain took over. We are in the mid 80's here so I am getting my guy outside and hopefully I get some good pics for you. :)
well hell im excited about these new pics even if others arnt... im really diggin seein yours an toms boys grow up an turn out the way all awesome falys turn out, im lookin forward to seein new update pics of your boy too tom.. soon there will be somemore boys out in the hands of fourm members an ill expect update pics from everyone...
Maromo is doing great and was showing some attitude today in the 89 deg AZ weather. He is really close to another shed and is up to 23.8g.
The red gets better and better with each shed.:cool:




Nice pics rob hes looking sweet. im so jealous your gettin those temps..i cant wait to get everyone outside for some sun.
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