My future Nosy Faly stud

So then he decided to check out where I keep all the toys....


So here is where you put all the cool stuff!! Man "dad" you have really been holding out on me....Now I have to pick my new ride!!!:cool::cool:

These are cool and all...but just seem too small for a big dude like me


Now THIS is more like it....I think this is the ticket;):cool:

Yep...this is MY ride...So dad...where are the keys :D:D:D

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Hes looking good mate. I like your RC collection too, only problem is, I dont see any props or wings, whats going on dude? lol ;)
Hey Rob, nice set of pic's hes coming along nice thanks for posting all the pictures..

Thanks Rob!
Hes looking good mate. I like your RC collection too, only problem is, I dont see any props or wings, whats going on dude? lol ;)

Thanks! I am happy with how he is turning out...just wish I could get him to grow faster :D I don't have any planes but do have a number of heli's but my son flies them much better than I so they all moved to his bedroom:eek:

whys he hate you soooo much lol

I wish I knew...I have had him since he was smaller than any of my other chams and he hates me the most....all the others either like me or are indifferent but Maromo just plain hates everything. Last night after I put him back into his enclosure he went and hid in his pathos and ended up sleeping there:rolleyes:
Now that's funny. I was at the show and saw him when you were getting him from robmd. He was tiny. I have a nosy be male that is like that. Had him since he was 2 1/2 months and he still hates my guts.

It's fun to watch this guy grow up. Love his colors!!
Now that's funny. I was at the show and saw him when you were getting him from robmd. He was tiny. I have a nosy be male that is like that. Had him since he was 2 1/2 months and he still hates my guts.

It's fun to watch this guy grow up. Love his colors!!

Thanks!! Yeah he really has grown hasn't he?:D It's funny because I am pretty sure some just come out of the egg that way:rolleyes: However, I am pretty sure some people do to;)
So this time of year in AZ it is rare to be able get the chams outside for any length of time even with the misters on the patio. But this morning was the perfect storm of having a lull in obligations and nice weather to be able to get the whole crew out for a few hrs. Here are some of the new outdoor shots...

Now that's what I am talking about....REAL sun!!


LOL trying to show off to Dhaulagiri the WC Faly...he was ignored



It's a Faly off...that wasn't

Showing off that developing white background :D:D


It's a high wire act

It's funny they walk a slack line just like you or I would with a tail rapped around the rope just like a safety line :cool:
Lol @ him showin off an him hateing you, these boys are the same way they dont bite but they dont like me or that mean ole camera monster..
He is really lookin sweet rob im lovin the colors...
You know this, of course, but he is incredibly beautiful.

Thanks Trillian!! I know but still LOVE hearing it:D

Lol @ him showin off an him hateing you, these boys are the same way they dont bite but they dont like me or that mean ole camera monster..
He is really lookin sweet rob im lovin the colors...

Thanks Rob...Yeah more scared of everything then aggressive I hate you for sure;)
Thanks!! Yeah he really has grown hasn't he?:D It's funny because I am pretty sure some just come out of the egg that way:rolleyes: However, I am pretty sure some people do to;)

Thats for sure!! My newest Ambilobe male is only 4 1/2 months and is mean as hell! Had him out today across from a female and he was head bobbing and trying to get to her. Have never seen anything like it at that age.
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