My New and First Cham's home!

He looks very nice and happy!!! Sounds like both you and your daughter will have a happy Christmas! Are you getting your humidity level to stay where you want it?
He looks very nice and happy!!! Sounds like both you and your daughter will have a happy Christmas! Are you getting your humidity level to stay where you want it?

Thanks! In regards to my humidity I put up plastic on three sides bumped up the storage water temp a bit and the humidity is in the 60-75% range during the day and drops to 40 consistently now but honestly I still think its the hygrometer I have I ordered the zilla dual probed version that was recommended I am currently using the sunleaves and I just don't find it to be consistent so I hope to at least get a median out of the two gauges ya know!
Well he came out to see my daughter again tonight loading video to YouTube via phone isn't working so here's a pic to suffice! Just to let you guys know he was perfectly chill until he noticed the eye of the camera I think he thinks it's a monster eye and whenever he notices it he flares up!
Pic didn't work here let's try this


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he comes out to see your daughter?? :eek::eek:

priceless. very cute. :)

Yep he'll hand feed from her but not me anytime she hold a cricket in his cage he snaps it up then walks right up to her I have to coach her still to be very still
My guy is showing some awesome orange and baby blue coloring right now here's a couple pics of him in one of his favorite look outs
Second pic he'd just nabbed a cricket!


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Another sleeping photo I think I could pick this guy up while he was asleep and he'd stay that way


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He's not so hot about having his temp taken here he is all fired up


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