My New and First Cham's home!

wow, i think thats soo cute that he comes out to visit your daughter! another tip for humidity, placing a towel at the bottom helps in not only cleaning, but humidity, the towel will soak up the extra water from misting, and as it dries, the water will evaporate, and when its cleaning time, throw the towel in the washer, tada! just keep an eye for mold and stuff and drainage will still be needed, but if the towel is washed once a week, i havent had a problem. in my cage, along with the plastic and towel, my humidity is around 80 most of the day and drops slightly at night.

i also would not advise a heater at the bottom, as chams are used to heat coming above them, not below them, may confuse him :/
Yeah the humidity I resolved by putting plastic on three sides, as for the heat what I did was put 50ft of heating cable on the bottom of the terrarium then the plants on top of the cable this in turns keeps the soil in the pots at a constant 72f which helped also with humidity greatly also has perked the plants up!
Didn't work last time here we go pics from this morning!


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Well while he was free ranging in his new favorite place the window curtain he decided to crawl down and check out the aquarium light for basking potential lol


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So fresh and so clean!


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Oh yeah ya like those huh? How about a couple more lol!

Wow!! All i see are $$ signs. lol

They are soo expensive for just a few polies. And have you getten raided by the "Tang Police" yet? lol. They can be a lil harsh. (Especially about that Naso)

How big is that tank? Nice squareback :drool:. I lovee them, i had a small school of them (1 male, 4 females)in my 75g. I was having issues feeding them without overfeeding my tank,eventually had to rehome them.:(
Wow!! All i see are $$ signs. lol

They are soo expensive for just a few polies. And have you getten raided by the "Tang Police" yet? lol. They can be a lil harsh. (Especially about that Naso)

How big is that tank? Nice squareback :drool:. I lovee them, i had a small school of them (1 male, 4 females)in my 75g. I was having issues feeding them without overfeeding my tank,eventually had to rehome them.:(

The tang police can't touch this lol! It's a 180 plus a 40 breeder lps tang plus a 60g sump and if the tang police are going to sniff around it'd be about my valimingii tang lol! There is also 2 yellow tangs and a powder blue, and a regular naso tang, 2 moorish idols and an achilles tang in QT, ;)
Had to post a pic of my guy's new upgrade in his thread too ;)


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I added a stick so he can get to his curtain free range lol plus a couple other pics!! :) ;)


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And another of him on the curtain!


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Well he came out to see my daughter again tonight loading video to YouTube via phone isn't working so here's a pic to suffice! Just to let you guys know he was perfectly chill until he noticed the eye of the camera I think he thinks it's a monster eye and whenever he notices it he flares up!

my cham does the same thing with my cam, he will even try attacking it if i let him get close enough. he also hates my coffee cup
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