My New Female Parsonii "Matty"

You do have a beautiful parsons, I will keep hoping for a female. I really hope you get to breed your guy, so tell this person it needs to be a girl.

Male or female, that is one good looking cham Jeremy!

You would know much better than I, but I'm still pullin for female for ya!

Thanks Alex and Laurie! LOL a female Parsonii is going to happen for Rhino one of these days.
I watched the movie "Red Dawn" the original version recently and Charlie Sheen's character was a Matty. Meaning boy or girl my Matty is staying a Matty. Although my Matty is clearly a boy. Cheers!
Well at least you have 2 beautiful parsons. We will still hold out for a girl. Maybe at some point Matty can be traded for a girl.
Here is Matty free ranging a bit in the greenhouse today. His blue colors are starting to show through. Today he was climbing on the Money Tree which blooms ever year for me. However not many people have the opportunity to watch there money trees bloom. If you have never seen one bloom the flower has got a bloom that compare to orchid blooms, phenomenal however extremely delicate. It is neat to finally have got two Parsonii in the Greenhouse.





It is official since Matty is a male Parsonii and I already have got an adult breeding age male Parsonii Rhino, Matty flew home with Roy Sunday to Northern California. I have only got enough space in the current greenhouse for two Parsonii and for breeding purposes two males won't work. I'm still on the look out for a female Parsonii to pair with my male.
Sorry it didn't work out being a female, but hope you find a girl soon! Matty is still a gorgeous cham! ;)
I'm sorry you had to give him up, but we understand why. Hopefully a female will find her way into Rhino's life sooner rather than later!
Here's some pictures of Matty from a couple of weekends ago. I got to stop by Sohumvet home in Northern California and chat chameleons for a couple of hours. Thanks for entertaining a guest.


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