My Rhacodactylus Photos


Avid Member
Going to try to keep all of these pictures in the same place.....

I currently have 11 babies and 15 adults. I am not breeding but may start a project in the future. For now I just have a lot of fat and happy cresties.
Almost all of my cresties (save 4) are from Craigslist.. I turned into a gecko rescue for a while there.

As for other Rhacs, all I have for now is 2 gargoyles that I'd love to breed but would need to find a list of people who would want babies first.

I'll start y'all off with this picture. :D


I'll be doing cage cleaning today and tomorrow so maybe I can get a picture of my setups. :)

EDIT: more..

This is my rescue female from craigslist, well, more a rescue than others. She had stuck shed on her eye and it caused one eye to be smaller than the other.
Poor gal. You can't really tell in this picture, though. I'll try to get a comparison picture up when she's awake.


You will always find at least one gecko in a tube at any given time of the day.

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Syn they are all so cute! Looks like they are filled with personality!!

I love the pic of the gecko coming from the paper towel tube!
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I'll try to get more pictures today after my mom charges her work camera.. otherwise the best I can do is guess with my Nikon's broken LCD. :eek:
She ALWAYS tries to get behind the foam background... she always succeeds.


I am "baby sitting" this little one, sold him to a friend but they are in Hawaii right now so I got stuck with him again.
His name is Kaede. Anyways, he is the calmest baby I hatched out and will let you do anything to him!

Finally got mad that I didn't have a camera so went and got one. Gonna be testing it out all night hehe.


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The first posts in this thread were either a Nikon S220 or a Kodak M1093. The most recent are from my Canon SD1400.
WOW...Your new camera takes really great pics and your cresties are adorable! Your pics make me want to get one..LOL :)
I have a pretty good camera..but I just can't get the shots. Triton absolutely hates getting his picture taken and my beardies couldn't care!
I have a pretty good camera..but I just can't get the shots. Triton absolutely hates getting his picture taken and my beardies couldn't care!
I've found that lighting is my best friend at this point in time.
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