my setup!


New Member
I have been working on this for awhile! 100 wat merc vap buld and 100 watt night bulb in deep dish for lighting jade plant on bottom and pothos on top! 4 vine patches hanging from sides and 2 vine bridges going across the cag3 with more vines and sticks on bottom! I also have a raindome up to that mists and drips for 20 mins every 2 hours and a humidifier underneath and another one to put on side(its on its way) I feel I need more light because the little brat will go under left ledge and go to sleep during the day because of shadow 8/


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Looks nice and full, and I like the pothos inside the rock ledge. I think the only thing people will recommend is a few more horizontal branches, strictly for comfortable basking temps and positions.
I like vine bridges better then sricks lol kinda hard to see but one bridge is goin straight to the top for basking area and othe is down towards lower shelf because that is where worms go if he doesn't want crickets!
That bulb might get a little to hot for your cham.. you'd be better off using a type of linear compact uvb bulb such as a reptisun 5.0 or 10.0 and just a regular household bulb for the basking
Idk I'm located in Washinton so it stays pretty cool here. He requires 83 degrees and a lot of humidity and even at 90 degrees outside with temp right under like it sits at 83 to 85 so bulb works great in my opinion.
YOU NEED MORE FOLIAGE! great job! I think thats the most filled up enclosure i've ever seen! Almost makes me want to do the same with my cage haha.

Also get rid of the night light. Chams benefit from temperature drops. They will do fine in mid 50's if you're concerned about it being too cold.

Other than that, everything looks great. If your basking spot gets too hot, try dropping your basking bulb down to a 60w. Some members even get away with a 25w
Thanks 8) ill keep that in mind! I might just run it during the winter cus it get way cold at night
I think your setup looks very nice. I have just two concerns.
1) you said you will be using a night light. However chameleons are sensitive to even this low amount of light and it can affect their sleep. It's often recommended that if you need to heat at night to use a ceramic bulb which emits heat, but does not emit light.
2) It looks like there is some sort of dish at the bottom. I'm sure if you are misting then you know the chameleon will not drink from this so I assume it's there to catch excess water? If that's the case you should consider covering the top with a screen to prevent any feeders or your chameleon from drowning in it.
Looks great otherwise though! What kind of chameleon will be living here?
The cage looks awesome! Only thing is the night light...Chams need complete darkness while sleeping. Lights will keep them up at night, which will result in them not sleeping, or sleeping during the day which is not good. I think that's why your cham finds a shadow and goes to sleep during the day. Everything else looks good though :)
Night light is a really really dim purple lol he seems to sleep all thru the night with it on lol and does anyone know of a good system to plug my lights into that will help them cycle on and off on their own the one I got from petsmart doesn't seem to work lol
the dish has holes drilled into it with a bucket underneath for controlled water drainage so it wont just flood out the bottom 8) i shoulda put that in the picture and my whole setup is from LLLReptile! they have a GREAT selection of magnetic vines and decor so you don't have to drill holes into ur screen cage 8) ill be sure to message you a link! ;)
Why the night light? and what are your temps at night that you feel you need heat? What kind of chameleon?
he is a crested cham and in Washington the nights can get rather cold like mid 30s and he should be in 60s at night
and it has 2 plug ins for both night and day time light?

Mine does not, but i am sure if you look you can find one like that. I would use a Ceramic Infrared Heat Emitter at night, produces no light and I believe will give off more heat than a night light. I heard it heats the air not one spot, but I have no experience with it. Either way here is a link to one Ceramic heat emitter.
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