New Member
I have a 1 year old ambanja panther (hes my avatar) he was a rescue who was given back to the breeder before he came to me he had an eye issue for a while with his previous owner he would have to be showered daily to get the crust/goop out and for him to open it up but the right eye was very cloudy and it appeared he didnt have much vision in it, but he stayed on the bottom of his cage most of the time with his eyes closed, the previous owner and the breeder that he was given back to had been hand feeding him. He came to me with some prescription eye drops so I would shower him and his eyes would clear up i noticed after I would put the drops in it would cause the eye to become all cloudy again so i cut out the eye drops and started him on vitamin A and god the issue is gone and both eyes have looked great since! yay!....but! he has now been hand fed since the issue started 5+ months ago and now he is scared of the bugs when I show him I put a few crickets in his cage and when they came near him he ducked down and took off the other way so then i tried super worms in a little feeder cup and as soon as he seen them move he did the exact same thing he shows no interest and is literally scared of them I would love for him to be able to eat normal again since he really doesnt need to be hand fed anymore if anyone has any ideas or suggestions they would greatly appreciated....Thank You!