Need help- Stroke?!


Avid Member
Please read throught everything beacuse this is very serious to me and the chameleons owner(Camimom) She sent me her chameleon to breed with mine(Kermit) Yesterday i took him out for some sun time and a long mist. he was 100% fine. This morning i was feeding everyone and when i got to kermit his aim seemed off and didnt get the criket into his mouth, but rather shoot it into his face. i picked him up to check him over and notcied blood on his nose/ comeing from and his eye was sunkin in on one side of his face. i dont think he fell beacse he was in the same spot he went to bed last night (really high up) i know clair didnt attack beacse theres no bite mark and she not anywhere near him anyways

heres to form-

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Hoe, Male, A year and a few months, been in my care for 2months i think
Handling - Only when takeing out for suntime
Feeding - crikets, supers, waxworms, waxmoths. mostly crikets with the others as treats. also some flys. I use mustards greens, fresh fruits and veggies, cal cubes, and whole grain cerial.
Supplements -I use almost no dustings for him- the types i use are repcal with d3/ recal w/o d3 and multies. used VERY spareingly
Watering - Mistking 4x times daily+ manual mistings + outdoor manual mistings. manual done daily to assure water.
Fecal Description - brown with little pure white tip.
History - Camimoms chameleon. no prior health problems as far as i know
Cage Info:Freerange
Cage Type -
Lighting - on 10am off 10pm. he lives on the wnodw part of my freerange and have a 5.0 uvb light.
Temperature - the highist is a little over 80 and the loweist is about 73-72. temps drop at night a few.
Humidity - 50+% getting very high dureing mistings but drops to that after a few hours. mistings are consistent (mistking)
Plants - Lots of plants all live but what he's on are fake vines hanging from the window. he doesnt leave this area.
Placement - vines hanging from window. he can get 6+ feet form the floor
Location - SC
Current Problem - Haveing some type of stroke or something else that cause his nose to bleed and his eye to sink. he is now opening his eye after a long shower and drinking but it just doesnt look right. i cant post pictures untill i get a charger but thats the best i can explain it. :(

i would like to take himt o the vet but idk what to looks for with something like this. i cant go untill monday. vets closed sunday.
Could he have gotten poked in the eye by the tree anywhere? Why do you think stroke? Cause of like high blood pressure? I feel bad for you that this happened with someone elese chameleon, especially Jess who happens to be my friend! There was a member who wanted to send their female sambava to mate with Romeo. I just did not want the responsibility. I am sorry you have had a mishap and I hope the little one is going to be ok. Sorry I cannot be of more help. Hopefullysomeone else can give you some insight.
Could he have gotten poked in the eye by the tree anywhere? Why do you think stroke? Cause of like high blood pressure? I feel bad for you that this happened with someone elese chameleon, especially Jess who happens to be my friend! There was a member who wanted to send their female sambava to mate with Romeo. I just did not want the responsibility. I am sorry you have had a mishap and I hope the little one is going to be ok. Sorry I cannot be of more help. Hopefullysomeone else can give you some insight.

i supose something could have poked him in the eye but it doesnt explain the blood on his nose or the way the eye looks now :/ mabey tommrow it'll be ok.
could the feeder popping him the face caused the trama you seen? Blood from the feeder or when it hit him gave a pop to the eye and caused brusing or blood from the feeder, etc...

Trying to be hopeful and it be something like that. How has he been behaving since the incident? wobbly, active, heaving breaths anything outside of his normal behavior i guess.
could the feeder popping him the face caused the trama you seen? Blood from the feeder or when it hit him gave a pop to the eye and caused brusing or blood from the feeder, etc...

Trying to be hopeful and it be something like that. How has he been behaving since the incident? wobbly, active, heaving breaths anything outside of his normal behavior i guess.

i guess mabey. it did hit themon that site of his face. the blood is his but idk how the criket would have caused him to bleed. mabey a piece of criket got in his eye? it was shut tight then i gave him a shower and he started opening it.
If hes bleeding from his eye, and nostril, there has to be a leak somewhere, in his head.

Im no expert on chameleon physiology, but I know that in humans and such, the ears/eyes/nose areas, are all connected via canals/channels.

So if he has blood coming out of these orifices, it could have been caused by internal damage to these area, either by a stick poking into his eye socket/nostril(does not seem likely with the fused eyelids they have, and tiny nostrils) or maybe internal hemorrhaging somewhere in his head.

A stroke can be the result of a hemorrhage, but a hemorrhage does not necessarily indicate a stroke.

A stroke is when parts of the brain are damaged, due to lack of blood flow.

If he has had a stroke, you would expect some loss of motor function, like awkward walking/movements, not being able to shoot his tongue/keep his mouth shut.

Does his behavior seem odd at all like this?

If he had a thrombosis(blood clot) that got loose (embolus) it could have stopped flow to the brain, by lodging itself in a blood vessel that is too small for it, but this in itself would not have caused bleeding, but rather a shortage of blood to an area.

Im unsure if that could then build in pressure, and cause a hemorrhage, but it seems likely. I would think he would be pretty bad off "functioning" wise though.

In my mind, it could be a possibility (although a rare happenstance indeed) that the crickets leg poked him in his eye, damaging it. The blood would then flow into the head area, leaking through any internal cavities that are there, and coming out his nostril. Seeing as how they close their eyes when they retract a feeder, this also seems unlikely. :(

Im sorry this happened Okiroo, and Cammimom. :(

Please post pictures when you can.
Clean the blood off nd see if you can find where the blood is
Coming/ came from.. Maybe he did get scratched.
Try putting a drop
Of saline in the eye too. Maybe something is stuck in it.
Long warm showers.
Clean the blood off nd see if you can find where the blood is
Coming/ came from.. Maybe he did get scratched.
Try putting a drop
Of saline in the eye too. Maybe something is stuck in it.
Long warm showers.

I PMed you further. i'll do everything you asked. he doesnt look like he's in any pain. not acting odd at all. he's useing the messed up eye liek normal but pyhsically the eye doesnt look like the good eye. i q-tiped the blood but it wasnt comeing off. i might be better off letting it heal and putting some anibiotic on it. the blood otherwise is comeing from the very top of his nose not his nostrils. almost looks like its cracked just a little(like if a human were to run into a wall and there nose bleed) mabey he did fall :confused:???? the more i look at him the harder it is to tell what happend. the blood is what throws me off.
Well gotta remember they are kind of fragile and when his tongue whipped that feeder back it was like getting hit in the face with a Christmas ham. So the nose may of had some impact dmg and no telling if a leg or other part of the feed stuck him in the eyeball itself and or scratched it, causing irritate/inflammation.

I am focusing on that event as you said he seemed normal up to the feeding and trying to be positive. :)
Yes, a good warm misting, until the blood is all off.

Has it stopped bleeding?

Do you have any septic?

septic? what does that have to do with anything?

Maybe he banged it or fell. And his eye is like that cuz that side of his face hurts.

thats a good theory. i've really gotten to like the love the little guy :( he;s like one of my own. i'll be sad to send him home when he gets better. if miss piggys receptive i dont doubt he'll breed with her. i think he's studly but chloe doesnt want anything to do with him- at all. he does the whole head bob fire up tho.

Well gotta remember they are kind of fragile and when his tongue whipped that feeder back it was like getting hit in the face with a Christmas ham. So the nose may of had some impact dmg and no telling if a leg or other part of the feed stuck him in the eyeball itself and or scratched it, causing irritate/inflammation.

I am focusing on that event as you said he seemed normal up to the feeding and trying to be positive. :)

mabey so. i really cant tell you what happend. all i know is what he looks like now. he's still "healthy" seeming but theres some obvious physical promblems. ie- blood and eye.
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